Tidal river dynamics: Implications for deltas
Tidal rivers are a vital and little studied nexus between physical oceanography and
hydrology. It is only in the last few decades that substantial research efforts have been …
hydrology. It is only in the last few decades that substantial research efforts have been …
River deltas and sea-level rise
Future sea-level rise poses an existential threat for many river deltas, yet quantifying the
effect of sea-level changes on these coastal landforms remains a challenge. Sea-level …
effect of sea-level changes on these coastal landforms remains a challenge. Sea-level …
[KNIHA][B] Fluvial depositional systems
A Miall - 2014 - Springer
In an earlier book, The Geology of Fluvial Deposits (1996), I set out in detail modern
methods of facies and architectural analysis of fluvial deposits, and used numerous case …
methods of facies and architectural analysis of fluvial deposits, and used numerous case …
Dynamics of river mouth deposits
Bars and subaqueous levees often form at river mouths due to high sediment availability.
Once these deposits emerge and develop into islands, they become important elements of …
Once these deposits emerge and develop into islands, they become important elements of …
Buffered, incomplete, and shredded: The challenges of reading an imperfect stratigraphic record
Climate, tectonics, and life influence the flux and caliber of sediment transported across
Earth's surface. These environmental conditions can leave behind imprints in the Earth's …
Earth's surface. These environmental conditions can leave behind imprints in the Earth's …
Backwater and river plume controls on scour upstream of river mouths: Implications for fluvio‐deltaic morphodynamics
Sediment flux from rivers to oceans is the fundamental driver of fluvio‐deltaic
morphodynamics and continental margin sedimentation, yet sediment transport across the …
morphodynamics and continental margin sedimentation, yet sediment transport across the …
Resilience of river deltas in the Anthropocene
At a global scale, delta morphologies are subject to rapid change as a result of direct and
indirect effects of human activity. This jeopardizes the ecosystem services of deltas …
indirect effects of human activity. This jeopardizes the ecosystem services of deltas …
Anatomy of Mississippi Delta growth and its implications for coastal restoration
The decline of several of the world's largest deltas has spurred interest in expensive coastal
restoration projects to make these economically and ecologically vital regions more …
restoration projects to make these economically and ecologically vital regions more …
Hydrological connectivity in river deltas: The first‐order importance of channel‐island exchange
Deltaic systems are composed of distributary channels and interdistributary islands. While
previous work has focused either on the channels or on the islands, here we study the …
previous work has focused either on the channels or on the islands, here we study the …
Where rivers jump course
Rivers can abruptly shift pathways in rare events called avulsions, which cause devastating
floods. The controls on avulsion locations are poorly understood as a result of sparse data …
floods. The controls on avulsion locations are poorly understood as a result of sparse data …