[HTML][HTML] Hantavirus reservoirs: current status with an emphasis on data from Brazil
Since the recognition of hantavirus as the agent responsible for haemorrhagic fever in
Eurasia in the 1970s and, 20 years later, the descovery of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome …
Eurasia in the 1970s and, 20 years later, the descovery of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome …
Mammals of the Caatinga: diversity, ecology, biogeography, and conservation
In this chapter we provide an updated checklist of Caatinga mammals, with a critical review
of previous lists, and an overview of our current knowledge on the distribution and …
of previous lists, and an overview of our current knowledge on the distribution and …
Connectivity maintain mammal assemblages functional diversity within agricultural and fragmented landscapes
Despite major advances in mammal research, there are knowledge gaps regarding
distribution, composition, and the functional role of mammal species within agricultural and …
distribution, composition, and the functional role of mammal species within agricultural and …
A new genus and species of rodent from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini), with comments on oryzomyine biogeography
We describe in this paper a new genus and species of cricetid rodent from the Atlantic Forest
of Brazil, one of the most endangered eco-regions of the world. The new form displays some …
of Brazil, one of the most endangered eco-regions of the world. The new form displays some …
Mammals of the Cerrado and Caatinga: distribution patterns of the tropical open biomes of Central South America
Cerrado and Caatinga are neighboring open biomes of tropical South America, but their
vegetation, soil, and climate characteristics render them distinctive formations. Despite these …
vegetation, soil, and climate characteristics render them distinctive formations. Despite these …
Tempo and mode of evolution of oryzomyine rodents (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae): a phylogenomic approach
The tribe Oryzomyini is an impressive group of rodents, comprising 30 extant genera and an
estimated 147 species. Recent remarkable advances in the understanding of the diversity …
estimated 147 species. Recent remarkable advances in the understanding of the diversity …
Habitat heterogeneity and geographic location as major drivers of Cerrado small mammal diversity across multiple spatial scales
The Cerrado biome is one of the global hotspots of biodiversity, and non-volant small
mammals represent a significant portion of Cerrado species richness (45%) and endemism …
mammals represent a significant portion of Cerrado species richness (45%) and endemism …
Areas of endemism of small mammals are underprotected in the Atlantic Forest
Atlantic Forest (AF) is amongst the most threatened forests in the world. To decide where
conservation efforts should be focused to preserve species, assessment of ecological and …
conservation efforts should be focused to preserve species, assessment of ecological and …
[HTML][HTML] Mammals of Mato Grosso, Brazil: annotated species list and historical review
REVIEW SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.26 número2 INVASION BY Canis …
REVIEW SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.26 número2 INVASION BY Canis …
[HTML][HTML] Key to the genera of the tribe Oryzomyini (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae)
Due to recent phylogenetic and revisionary taxonomic work, the systematics of the Tribe
Oryzomyini, the largest group of sigmodontine rodents, underwent profound changes. We …
Oryzomyini, the largest group of sigmodontine rodents, underwent profound changes. We …