The state of the art in enhancing trust in machine learning models with the use of visualizations
Abstract Machine learning (ML) models are nowadays used in complex applications in
various domains, such as medicine, bioinformatics, and other sciences. Due to their black …
various domains, such as medicine, bioinformatics, and other sciences. Due to their black …
Quality metrics in high-dimensional data visualization: An overview and systematization
In this paper, we present a systematization of techniques that use quality metrics to help in
the visual exploration of meaningful patterns in high-dimensional data. In a number of recent …
the visual exploration of meaningful patterns in high-dimensional data. In a number of recent …
Toward a quantitative survey of dimension reduction techniques
Dimensionality reduction methods, also known as projections, are frequently used in
multidimensional data exploration in machine learning, data science, and information …
multidimensional data exploration in machine learning, data science, and information …
Visualizing high-dimensional data: Advances in the past decade
Massive simulations and arrays of sensing devices, in combination with increasing
computing resources, have generated large, complex, high-dimensional datasets used to …
computing resources, have generated large, complex, high-dimensional datasets used to …
Multidimensional projection for visual analytics: Linking techniques with distortions, tasks, and layout enrichment
Visual analysis of multidimensional data requires expressive and effective ways to reduce
data dimensionality to encode them visually. Multidimensional projections (MDP) figure …
data dimensionality to encode them visually. Multidimensional projections (MDP) figure …
t-visne: Interactive assessment and interpretation of t-sne projections
t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) for the visualization of
multidimensional data has proven to be a popular approach, with successful applications in …
multidimensional data has proven to be a popular approach, with successful applications in …
A survey on ML4VIS: Applying machine learning advances to data visualization
Inspired by the great success of machine learning (ML), researchers have applied ML
techniques to visualizations to achieve a better design, development, and evaluation of …
techniques to visualizations to achieve a better design, development, and evaluation of …
Scatterplots: Tasks, data, and designs
Traditional scatterplots fail to scale as the complexity and amount of data increases. In
response, there exist many design options that modify or expand the traditional scatterplot …
response, there exist many design options that modify or expand the traditional scatterplot …
Visual parameter space analysis: A conceptual framework
Various case studies in different application domains have shown the great potential of
visual parameter space analysis to support validating and using simulation models. In order …
visual parameter space analysis to support validating and using simulation models. In order …
Comparing visual-interactive labeling with active learning: An experimental study
Labeling data instances is an important task in machine learning and visual analytics. Both
fields provide a broad set of labeling strategies, whereby machine learning (and in particular …
fields provide a broad set of labeling strategies, whereby machine learning (and in particular …