How could students be safe during flood and tsunami events?
Reduction of the impact of natural hazards and enhancement of the resilience of population
involves access to straightforward information about safe and non-safe areas during the …
involves access to straightforward information about safe and non-safe areas during the …
Hazard zonation map** of earthquake-induced secondary effects using spatial multi-criteria analysis
The present study aims to suggest an approach that allows the simultaneous hazard
zonation map** of earthquake-induced secondary effects. The modeling process of the …
zonation map** of earthquake-induced secondary effects. The modeling process of the …
Remote Sensing, natural hazards and the contribution of ESA Sentinels missions
Natural hazards are phenomena with a large spatial dimension and impact. Their map**
and monitoring can be recorded only by using satellite remote image platforms. The range of …
and monitoring can be recorded only by using satellite remote image platforms. The range of …
An automatic procedure for map** burned areas globally using Sentinel-2 and VIIRS/MODIS active fires in Google Earth Engine
Understanding the spatial and temporal trends of burned areas (BA) on a global scale offers
a comprehensive view of the underlying mechanisms driving fire incidence and its influence …
a comprehensive view of the underlying mechanisms driving fire incidence and its influence …
Landscape transition in Mediterranean islands: The case of Ionian islands, Greece 1985–2015
Mediterranean islands are heterogeneous and dynamic landscapes resulting from complex
interactions between natural and anthropogenic processes that contribute to their high …
interactions between natural and anthropogenic processes that contribute to their high …
[HTML][HTML] Tropospheric and surface measurements of combustion tracers during the 2021 Mediterranean wildfire crisis: Insights from the WMO/GAW site of Lamezia …
The central Mediterranean and nearby regions were affected by extreme wildfires during the
summer of 2021. During the crisis, Türkiye, Greece, Italy, and other countries faced …
summer of 2021. During the crisis, Türkiye, Greece, Italy, and other countries faced …
Sextant: Visualizing time-evolving linked geospatial data
The linked open data cloud is constantly evolving as datasets get continuously updated with
newer versions. As a result, representing, querying, and visualizing the temporal dimension …
newer versions. As a result, representing, querying, and visualizing the temporal dimension …
[HTML][HTML] Integrating remote sensing methods and fire simulation models to estimate fire hazard in a south-east mediterranean protected area
Unlike low intensity fire which promotes landscape heterogeneity and important ecosystem
services, large high-intensity wildfires constitute a significant destructive factor despite the …
services, large high-intensity wildfires constitute a significant destructive factor despite the …
Real-time identification of smoldering and flaming combustion phases in forest using a wireless sensor network-based multi-sensor system and artificial neural …
X Yan, H Cheng, Y Zhao, W Yu, H Huang, X Zheng - Sensors, 2016 - mdpi.com
Diverse sensing techniques have been developed and combined with machine learning
method for forest fire detection, but none of them referred to identifying smoldering and …
method for forest fire detection, but none of them referred to identifying smoldering and …
Wildfires vs. sustainable forest partitioning
There is a widespread perception that every year wildfires are intensifying on a global scale,
something that is often used as an indicator of the adverse impacts of global warming …
something that is often used as an indicator of the adverse impacts of global warming …