Going through the motions: incorporating movement analyses into disease research
Though epidemiology dates back to the 1700s, most mathematical representations of
epidemics still use transmission rates averaged at the population scale, especially for …
epidemics still use transmission rates averaged at the population scale, especially for …
Disease implications of animal social network structure: a synthesis across social systems
The disease costs of sociality have largely been understood through the link between group
size and transmission. However, infectious disease spread is driven primarily by the social …
size and transmission. However, infectious disease spread is driven primarily by the social …
Social network plasticity decreases disease transmission in a eusocial insect
Animal social networks are shaped by multiple selection pressures, including the need to
ensure efficient communication and functioning while simultaneously limiting disease …
ensure efficient communication and functioning while simultaneously limiting disease …
Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology
Social networks amplify inequalities by fundamental mechanisms of social tie formation such
as homophily and triadic closure. These forces sharpen social segregation, which is …
as homophily and triadic closure. These forces sharpen social segregation, which is …
Unchartered waters: Climate change likely to intensify infectious disease outbreaks causing mass mortality events in marine mammals
CE Sanderson, KA Alexander - Global Change Biology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Infectious disease emergence has increased significantly over the last 30 years, with mass
mortality events (MMEs) associated with epizootics becoming increasingly common. Factors …
mortality events (MMEs) associated with epizootics becoming increasingly common. Factors …
Defining an epidemiological landscape that connects movement ecology to pathogen transmission and pace‐of‐life
Pathogen transmission depends on host density, mobility and contact. These components
emerge from host and pathogen movements that themselves arise through interactions with …
emerge from host and pathogen movements that themselves arise through interactions with …
Hierarchical social networks shape gut microbial composition in wild Verreaux's sifaka
In wild primates, social behaviour influences exposure to environmentally acquired and
directly transmitted microorganisms. Prior studies indicate that gut microbiota reflect pairwise …
directly transmitted microorganisms. Prior studies indicate that gut microbiota reflect pairwise …
Multilayer and multiplex networks: An introduction to their use in veterinary epidemiology
Contact network analysis has become a vital tool for conceptualizing the spread of
pathogens in animal populations and is particularly useful for understanding the implications …
pathogens in animal populations and is particularly useful for understanding the implications …
Landscape simplification shapes pathogen prevalence in plant‐pollinator networks
Species interaction networks, which play an important role in determining pathogen
transmission and spread in ecological communities, can shift in response to agricultural …
transmission and spread in ecological communities, can shift in response to agricultural …
The propagation of disturbances in ecological networks
Despite the development of network science, we lack clear heuristics for how far different
disturbance types propagate within and across species interaction networks. We discuss the …
disturbance types propagate within and across species interaction networks. We discuss the …