Sustainable water and sanitation for all: are we there yet?
The lack of access to water and sanitation services (WSS) of a considerable share of the
world population has been challenging the international community for decades. The …
world population has been challenging the international community for decades. The …
[КНИГА][B] The imperatives of sustainable development: needs, justice, limits
Thirty years ago, the UN report Our Common Future placed sustainable development firmly
on the international agenda. The Imperatives of Sustainable Development takes the ethical …
on the international agenda. The Imperatives of Sustainable Development takes the ethical …
The role of sustainability reporting and governance in achieving sustainable development goals: An international investigation
This article explores the role of sustainability reporting and governance in achieving national
sustainable development goals. Sustainable development goals focus on economic …
sustainable development goals. Sustainable development goals focus on economic …
The governance of sustainable development: taking stock and looking forwards
A Jordan - Environment and planning C: Government and …, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
The number of books and papers bearing the terms 'sustainable development'and
'governance'in their titles has grown exponentially in the last decade or so. The main …
'governance'in their titles has grown exponentially in the last decade or so. The main …
[КНИГА][B] Metagovernance for sustainability: A framework for implementing the sustainable development goals
L Meuleman - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted by the United Nations
in September 2015 are universally applicable in all 193 UN Member States and connect the …
in September 2015 are universally applicable in all 193 UN Member States and connect the …
Assessing the Dutch energy transition policy: how does it deal with dilemmas of managing transitions?
Sustainable development is about the redirection of development (WCED, 1987). It is not
about an identifiable end state (Kemp et al., 2005; Meadowcroft, 1999; Meadowcroft et al …
about an identifiable end state (Kemp et al., 2005; Meadowcroft, 1999; Meadowcroft et al …
Direction, distribution and diversity! Pluralising progress in innovation, sustainability and development
A Stirling - 2009 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
Notions of 'progress' pervade the modern world. Yet,'north'and 'south'alike, policymaking for
progress in innovation, sustainability and development tends to be ambiguous. Politicians …
progress in innovation, sustainability and development tends to be ambiguous. Politicians …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainability certification for renewable hydrogen: An international survey of energy professionals
Hydrogen produced from renewable energy is being promoted to decarbonise global
energy systems. To support this energy transition, standards, certification, and labelling …
energy systems. To support this energy transition, standards, certification, and labelling …
Re-conceptualizing sustainable development on the basis of the capability approach: A model and its difficulties
O Lessmann, F Rauschmayer - Journal of Human Development …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This article sketches a re-conceptualization of sustainable development (SD) on the basis of
Sen's capability approach (CA). The notion of sustainable development was developed as a …
Sen's capability approach (CA). The notion of sustainable development was developed as a …
3-D Sustainability: An approach for priority setting in situation of conflicting interests towards a Sustainable Development
V Mauerhofer - Ecological economics, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper aims to provide a new approach to objectively assess hierarchies and priority
setting in the relationship between environmental, social and economic sustainability within …
setting in the relationship between environmental, social and economic sustainability within …