Sustainable water and sanitation for all: are we there yet?

MA Pereira, RC Marques - Water Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The lack of access to water and sanitation services (WSS) of a considerable share of the
world population has been challenging the international community for decades. The …

[КНИГА][B] The imperatives of sustainable development: needs, justice, limits

E Holden, K Linnerud, D Banister, V Schwanitz… - 2017 -
Thirty years ago, the UN report Our Common Future placed sustainable development firmly
on the international agenda. The Imperatives of Sustainable Development takes the ethical …

The governance of sustainable development: taking stock and looking forwards

A Jordan - Environment and planning C: Government and …, 2008 -
The number of books and papers bearing the terms 'sustainable development'and
'governance'in their titles has grown exponentially in the last decade or so. The main …

[КНИГА][B] Metagovernance for sustainability: A framework for implementing the sustainable development goals

L Meuleman - 2018 -
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted by the United Nations
in September 2015 are universally applicable in all 193 UN Member States and connect the …

Assessing the Dutch energy transition policy: how does it deal with dilemmas of managing transitions?

R Kemp, J Rotmans, D Loorbach - Governance for Sustainable …, 2013 -
Sustainable development is about the redirection of development (WCED, 1987). It is not
about an identifiable end state (Kemp et al., 2005; Meadowcroft, 1999; Meadowcroft et al …

Direction, distribution and diversity! Pluralising progress in innovation, sustainability and development

A Stirling - 2009 -
Notions of 'progress' pervade the modern world. Yet,'north'and 'south'alike, policymaking for
progress in innovation, sustainability and development tends to be ambiguous. Politicians …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainability certification for renewable hydrogen: An international survey of energy professionals

D Goodwin, F Gale, H Lovell, K Beasy, H Murphy… - Energy Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
Hydrogen produced from renewable energy is being promoted to decarbonise global
energy systems. To support this energy transition, standards, certification, and labelling …

Re-conceptualizing sustainable development on the basis of the capability approach: A model and its difficulties

O Lessmann, F Rauschmayer - Journal of Human Development …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This article sketches a re-conceptualization of sustainable development (SD) on the basis of
Sen's capability approach (CA). The notion of sustainable development was developed as a …

3-D Sustainability: An approach for priority setting in situation of conflicting interests towards a Sustainable Development

V Mauerhofer - Ecological economics, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper aims to provide a new approach to objectively assess hierarchies and priority
setting in the relationship between environmental, social and economic sustainability within …