The conformal bootstrap: Theory, numerical techniques, and applications
Conformal field theories have been long known to describe the fascinating universal physics
of scale invariant critical points. They describe continuous phase transitions in fluids …
of scale invariant critical points. They describe continuous phase transitions in fluids …
Phase transitions in particle physics: Results and perspectives from lattice quantum chromo-dynamics
Phase transitions in a non-perturbative regime can be studied by ab initio Lattice Field
Theory methods. The status and future research directions for LFT investigations of Quantum …
Theory methods. The status and future research directions for LFT investigations of Quantum …
SO (5) Deconfined Phase Transition under the Fuzzy-Sphere Microscope: Approximate Conformal Symmetry, Pseudo-Criticality, and Operator Spectrum
The deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) is an example of phase transitions beyond
the Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm that attracts wide interest. However, its nature has …
the Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm that attracts wide interest. However, its nature has …
Deconfined quantum critical points: symmetries and dualities
The deconfined quantum critical point (QCP), separating the Néel and valence bond solid
phases in a 2D antiferromagnet, was proposed as an example of (2+ 1) D criticality …
phases in a 2D antiferromagnet, was proposed as an example of (2+ 1) D criticality …
Disorder operator and Rényi entanglement entropy of symmetric mass generation
The “symmetric mass generation”(SMG) quantum phase transition discovered in recent
years has attracted great interest from both condensed matter and high energy theory …
years has attracted great interest from both condensed matter and high energy theory …
Walking, Weak first-order transitions, and Complex CFTs
A bstract We discuss walking behavior in gauge theories and weak first-order phase
transitions in statistical physics. Despite appearing in very different systems (QCD below the …
transitions in statistical physics. Despite appearing in very different systems (QCD below the …
Proximate deconfined quantum critical point in SrCu2(BO3)2
The deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) represents a paradigm shift in quantum
matter studies, presenting a “beyond Landau” scenario for order-order transitions. Its …
matter studies, presenting a “beyond Landau” scenario for order-order transitions. Its …
Scaling of entanglement entropy at deconfined quantum criticality
We develop a nonequilibrium increment method to compute the Rényi entanglement
entropy and investigate its scaling behavior at the deconfined critical (DQC) point via large …
entropy and investigate its scaling behavior at the deconfined critical (DQC) point via large …
Bootstrap** deconfined quantum tricriticality
The paradigmatic example of deconfined quantum criticality is the Neel to valence bond
solid phase transition. The continuum description of this transition is the N= 2 case of the …
solid phase transition. The continuum description of this transition is the N= 2 case of the …
Fermion disorder operator at gross-neveu and deconfined quantum criticalities
The fermion disorder operator has been shown to reveal the entanglement information in 1D
Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at …
Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at …