[CARTE][B] Current morphology

A Carstairs-McCarthy - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
This book aims to provide a thorough and wide-ranging introduction to approaches to
morphology in linguistic theory over the last twenty years. This comprehensive survey …

[CARTE][B] Routledge dictionary of language and linguistics

H Bussmann, K Kazzazi, G Trauth - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
The Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics is a unique reference work for
students and teachers of linguistics. The highly regarded second edition of the Lexikon der …

[CARTE][B] Morphology: Morphology: its place in the wider context

F Katamba - 2004 - books.google.com
This six-volume collection draws together the most significant contributions to morphological
theory and analysis which all serious students of morphology should be aware of. By …

[CARTE][B] Beyond morphology: Interface conditions on word formation

P Ackema, A Neeleman - 2004 - books.google.com
The phenomena discussed by the authors range from synthetic compounding in English to
agreement alternations in Arabic and complementizer agreement in dialects of Dutch. Their …

[PDF][PDF] Word-formation and the lexicon

P Kiparsky - 1982 - kuscholarworks.ku.edu
4 Kiparsky that if both suffixes are added to a stem,-(i) an precedes-1. srn. This is confirmed
by words like Nendelianism~ golianism 9 versus~;~..!~~ lismfan,,., Mongolismlan. In fact, as …

Zwicky on heads1

RA Hudson - Journal of linguistics, 1987 - cambridge.org
An interesting development in the last decade or so has been the increasing use that
theoretical linguists have made of the notion 'head'–or rather, in order not to beg the …

[PDF][PDF] Lexical rules in the hierarchical lexicon

DP Flickinger - 1987 - wiki.eecs.yorku.ca
In the summer of 1983 I joined a young computational linguistics research group whose
members had just successfully completed a prototype of a natural language understanding …

[CARTE][B] Studies of passive clauses

PM Postal - 1985 - books.google.com
In this work, Paul M. Postal supports the universalist theory of language by examining
passive clauses. Contrary to a skeptical tradition, Postal argues that passive clauses are …

[CARTE][B] Zur Syntax und Semantik der Nominalkomposition: ein Versuch praktischer Anwendung der Montague-Grammatik auf die Wortbildung im Deutschen

G Fanselow - 2011 - books.google.com
LINGUISTISCHE ARBEITEN DE G EIC Page 2 Linguistische Arbeiten 107 Herausgegeben …

[CARTE][B] Morfologie

GE Booij, A Van Santen - 1998 - books.google.com
Morfologie is een inleiding in de morfologische theorie en de toepassing daarvan op het
Nederlands. De auteurs geven in een introductie de huidige theorieën weer over de …