Understanding TRIZ through the review of top cited publications

L Chechurin, Y Borgianni - Computers in Industry, 2016 - Elsevier
The development of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) has not followed the
usual patterns of scientific validation required by engineering methods. Consequently, its …

Problem formulation in inventive design using Doc2vec and Cosine Similarity as Artificial Intelligence methods and Scientific Papers

M Hanifi, H Chibane, R Houssin… - Engineering Applications of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Over the past decades, companies have continually sought out approaches that help them
reduce the innovation cycle time due to its importance in their success. Among these …

TRIZ in science. Reviewing indexed publications

L Chechurin - Procedia CIRP, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is a toolkit of methods to support
systematic creativity. The latter has been the focus of many studies since late 90s, when …

An approach to solve contradiction problems for the safety integration in innovative design process

R Houssin, A Coulibaly - Computers in industry, 2011 - Elsevier
Improving product behavioral performance in design process needs an innovative approach
to integrate simultaneously most of the trades (safety, reliability, maintainability, etc.) …

Service conflict identification and resolution for design of product–service offerings

W Song, T Sakao - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
Many manufacturers today are striving to provide high value-added product–service
offerings (PSO) to their customers. PSO has heterogonous structure and various …

Use of formal ontologies as a foundation for inventive design studies

C Zanni-Merk, D Cavallucci, F Rousselot - Computers in Industry, 2011 - Elsevier
The paradigm change that rules our industry (currently evolving under the quality paradigm)
requires an enterprise to organize innovation in a pragmatic way. Beyond theoretical …

Modeling a hybrid-compact design matrix for new product innovation

YT Ko - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
Conceptual design is a critical activity during the early phases of new product development
(NPD) because most creative ideas will be generated in this process. Without creativity in …

Model and algorithm for computer-aided inventive problem analysis

N Becattini, Y Borgianni, G Cascini, F Rotini - Computer-Aided Design, 2012 - Elsevier
The paper presents the research activity developed by the authors in the field of computer-
aided inventive problem solving: an original model and a dialogue-based software …

Fostering continuous innovation in design with an integrated knowledge management approach

J Xu, R Houssin, E Caillaud, M Gardoni - Computers in industry, 2011 - Elsevier
In the global competition, companies are propelled by an immense pressure to innovate.
The trend to produce more new knowledge-intensive products or services and the rapid …

Evaluation of the water policies of the Urmia Lake Basin: has the government accurately identified the problem?

S Esmailzadeh, AP Rizi… - Environment: Science and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The desiccation of Urmia Lake in Iran is an environmental catastrophe with international
implications both regionally and worldwide. The government of Iran has undertaken …