On the genesis of spatial-numerical associations: Evolutionary and cultural factors co-construct the mental number line
Map** numbers onto space is a common cognitive representation that has been explored
in both behavioral and neuroimaging contexts. Empirical work probing the diverse nature of …
in both behavioral and neuroimaging contexts. Empirical work probing the diverse nature of …
Learning disabilities: Developmental dyscalculia
Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a developmental learning disability that manifests as a
persistent difficulty in comprehending even the most basic numeric and arithmetic concepts …
persistent difficulty in comprehending even the most basic numeric and arithmetic concepts …
A meta-analysis on the differences in mathematical and cognitive skills between individuals with and without mathematical learning disabilities
EH Kroesbergen, MDE Huijsmans… - Review of …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Types of mathematical learning disability (MLD) are very heterogeneous. Lower scores on
mathematics and several cognitive skills have been revealed in samples with MLD …
mathematics and several cognitive skills have been revealed in samples with MLD …
[PDF][PDF] Gamification for elementary mathematics learning in Indonesia
Y Udjaja, VS Guizot, N Chandra - International Journal of Electrical …, 2018 - academia.edu
The purpose of this research is to combine multimedia elements and mathematics learning
material to a mathematic learning interactive application. Research and design methodology …
material to a mathematic learning interactive application. Research and design methodology …
Dyscalculia in early adulthood: Implications for numerical activities of daily living
Numerical abilities are fundamental in our society. As a consequence, poor numerical skills
might have a great impact on daily living. This study analyzes the extent to which the …
might have a great impact on daily living. This study analyzes the extent to which the …
[HTML][HTML] Auditory time perception impairment in children with developmental dyscalculia
Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a specific learning disability which prevents children from
acquiring adequate numerical and arithmetical competences. We investigated whether …
acquiring adequate numerical and arithmetical competences. We investigated whether …
The cognitive profile of math difficulties: A meta-analysis based on clinical criteria
S Haberstroh, G Schulte-Körne - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Math difficulties (MD) manifest across various domain-specific and domain-general abilities.
However, the existing cognitive profile of MD is incomplete and thus not applicable in typical …
However, the existing cognitive profile of MD is incomplete and thus not applicable in typical …
Asymmetrical interference between number and item size perception provides evidence for a domain specific impairment in dyscalculia
Dyscalculia, a specific learning disability that impacts arithmetical skills, has previously been
associated to a deficit in the precision of the system that estimates the approximate number …
associated to a deficit in the precision of the system that estimates the approximate number …
Use of numerical and spatial information in ordinal counting by zebrafish
The use of non-symbolic numerical information is widespread throughout the animal
kingdom, providing adaptive benefits in several ecological contexts. Here we provide the …
kingdom, providing adaptive benefits in several ecological contexts. Here we provide the …
[HTML][HTML] Is it just face blindness? Exploring developmental comorbidity in individuals with self-reported developmental prosopagnosia
N Svart, R Starrfelt - Brain Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Developmental prosopagnosia (DP)—or 'face blindness'—refers to life-long problems with
facial recognition in the absence of brain injury. We know that neurodevelopmental …
facial recognition in the absence of brain injury. We know that neurodevelopmental …