A tutorial on network coded cooperation
Network Coding (NC) can significantly help increase the efficient use of network resources.
However, directly applying NC to wireless networks is not an effective design solution …
However, directly applying NC to wireless networks is not an effective design solution …
Near-capacity wireless system design principles
In this tutorial, the design procedure of near-capacity channel code design invoking non-
binary EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts is illustrated by using design examples of …
binary EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts is illustrated by using design examples of …
Network coding aided cooperative quantum key distribution over free-space optical channels
Realistic public wireless channels and quantum key distribution (QKD) systems are
amalgamated. Explicitly, we conceive network coding aided cooperative QKD over free …
amalgamated. Explicitly, we conceive network coding aided cooperative QKD over free …
Full-diversity binary frame-wise network coding for multiple-source multiple-relay networks over slow-fading channels
We study the design of network codes for-source-relay wireless networks over slow-fading
channels. Binary frame-wise network coding (BFNC) based on cyclic-shifting matrices is …
channels. Binary frame-wise network coding (BFNC) based on cyclic-shifting matrices is …
A network-coding aided road-map of large-scale near-capacity cooperative communications
In the paper, we present a road-map towards a near-capacity large-scale multi-user
cooperativecommunications (NLMC) system, where all the evolution paths converge to the …
cooperativecommunications (NLMC) system, where all the evolution paths converge to the …
Practical methods for wireless network coding with multiple unicast transmissions
We propose a simple yet effective wireless network coding and decoding technique for a
multiple unicast network. It utilizes spatial diversity through cooperation between nodes …
multiple unicast network. It utilizes spatial diversity through cooperation between nodes …
Predicting the performance of cooperative wireless networking schemes with random network coding
JT Seong, HN Lee - IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we consider a cooperative wireless network in which there are multiple
sources and multiple relays. Owing to unreliable wireless channels, the quality of network …
sources and multiple relays. Owing to unreliable wireless channels, the quality of network …
Irregular convolution and unity-rate coded network-coding for cooperative multi-user communications
Near-Capacity Multi-user Network-coding (NCMN) based systems operating in multiple
modes and relying on an amalgamated Irregular Convolutional Code, a Unity-Rate Code …
modes and relying on an amalgamated Irregular Convolutional Code, a Unity-Rate Code …
Non-coherent near-capacity network coding for cooperative multi-user communications
Near-capacity Non-coherent Cooperative Network-coding aided Multi-user (NNCNM)
systems are designed with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts for the sake …
systems are designed with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts for the sake …
Outage performance of a network coding aided multi‐user cooperative secondary network
We evaluate the performance of a network‐coded cooperative secondary network in a
cognitive radio system under spectrum sharing constraints. The secondary network is …
cognitive radio system under spectrum sharing constraints. The secondary network is …