Recent advances and new frontiers in riverine and coastal flood modeling
Over the past decades, the scientific community has made significant efforts to simulate
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
Protect, manage and then restore lands for climate mitigation
Limited time and resources remain to constrain the climate crisis. Natural climate solutions
represent promising options to protect, manage and restore natural lands for additional …
represent promising options to protect, manage and restore natural lands for additional …
The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management
Risk management has reduced vulnerability to floods and droughts globally,, yet their
impacts are still increasing. An improved understanding of the causes of changing impacts is …
impacts are still increasing. An improved understanding of the causes of changing impacts is …
Natural climate solutions for Canada
Alongside the steep reductions needed in fossil fuel emissions, natural climate solutions
(NCS) represent readily deployable options that can contribute to Canada's goals for …
(NCS) represent readily deployable options that can contribute to Canada's goals for …
Increased flood exposure due to climate change and population growth in the United States
Precipitation extremes are increasing globally due to anthropogenic climate change.
However, there remains uncertainty regarding impacts upon flood occurrence and …
However, there remains uncertainty regarding impacts upon flood occurrence and …
[HTML][HTML] Surface water map** and flood monitoring in the Mekong Delta using sentinel-1 SAR time series and Otsu threshold
The annual flood and the alteration in hydrological regimes are the most vital concerns in
the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD). Although synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 …
the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD). Although synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 …
Human alterations of the global floodplains 1992–2019
Floodplains provide critical ecosystem services; however, loss of natural floodplain functions
caused by human alterations increase flood risks and lead to massive loss of life and …
caused by human alterations increase flood risks and lead to massive loss of life and …
High-resolution land value maps reveal underestimation of conservation costs in the United States
The justification and targeting of conservation policy rests on reliable measures of public
and private benefits from competing land uses. Advances in Earth system observation and …
and private benefits from competing land uses. Advances in Earth system observation and …
The impact of climate change on operational probable maximum precipitation estimates
The safety of high‐risk water infrastructure, such as dams and nuclear power plants, is often
assessed by reference to their ability to accommodate floods derived from the Probable …
assessed by reference to their ability to accommodate floods derived from the Probable …
Degradation of floodplain integrity within the contiguous United States
Despite the numerous hydrological, geological, and ecological benefits produced by
floodplain landscapes, floodplains continue to be degraded by human activities at a much …
floodplain landscapes, floodplains continue to be degraded by human activities at a much …