Random fourier features-based deep learning improvement with class activation interpretability for nerve structure segmentation
Peripheral nerve blocking (PNB) is a standard procedure to support regional anesthesia.
Still, correct localization of the nerve's structure is needed to avoid adverse effects; thereby …
Still, correct localization of the nerve's structure is needed to avoid adverse effects; thereby …
Kcs-fcnet: Kernel cross-spectral functional connectivity network for eeg-based motor imagery classification
This paper uses EEG data to introduce an approach for classifying right and left-hand
classes in Motor Imagery (MI) tasks. The Kernel Cross-Spectral Functional Connectivity …
classes in Motor Imagery (MI) tasks. The Kernel Cross-Spectral Functional Connectivity …
[HTML][HTML] Single-trial kernel-based functional connectivity for enhanced feature extraction in motor-related tasks
Motor learning is associated with functional brain plasticity, involving specific functional
connectivity changes in the neural networks. However, the degree of learning new motor …
connectivity changes in the neural networks. However, the degree of learning new motor …
Instance-based representation using multiple kernel learning for predicting conversion to Alzheimer disease
The early detection of Alzheimer's disease and quantification of its progression poses
multiple difficulties for machine learning algorithms. Two of the most relevant issues are …
multiple difficulties for machine learning algorithms. Two of the most relevant issues are …
Posthoc interpretability of neural responses by grou** subject motor imagery skills using cnn-based connectivity
Motor Imagery (MI) refers to imagining the mental representation of motor movements
without overt motor activity, enhancing physical action execution and neural plasticity with …
without overt motor activity, enhancing physical action execution and neural plasticity with …
Kernel-based dimensionality reduction using Renyi's α-entropy measures of similarity
Dimensionality reduction (DR) aims to reveal salient properties of high-dimensional (HD)
data in a low-dimensional (LD) representation space. Two elements stipulate success of a …
data in a low-dimensional (LD) representation space. Two elements stipulate success of a …
Feet segmentation for regional analgesia monitoring using convolutional RFF and layer-wise weighted CAM interpretability
JC Aguirre-Arango, AM Álvarez-Meza… - Computation, 2023 - mdpi.com
Regional neuraxial analgesia for pain relief during labor is a universally accepted, safe, and
effective procedure involving administering medication into the epidural. Still, an adequate …
effective procedure involving administering medication into the epidural. Still, an adequate …
[HTML][HTML] An enhanced joint Hilbert embedding-based metric to support mocap data classification with preserved interpretability
Motion capture (Mocap) data are widely used as time series to study human movement.
Indeed, animation movies, video games, and biomechanical systems for rehabilitation are …
Indeed, animation movies, video games, and biomechanical systems for rehabilitation are …
Video-based social behavior recognition based on kernel relevance analysis
This paper presents a kernel-based relevance analysis for video data to support social
behavior recognition. Our approach, termed KRAV, is twofold:(i) A feature ranking based on …
behavior recognition. Our approach, termed KRAV, is twofold:(i) A feature ranking based on …
Semi-supervised clustering of fractionated electrograms for electroanatomical atrial map**
Background Electrogram-guided ablation procedures have been proposed as an alternative
strategy consisting of either map** and ablating focal sources or targeting complex …
strategy consisting of either map** and ablating focal sources or targeting complex …