Mesoproterozoic U–Pb ages, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of perovskite from kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Distinct …
We report new U–Pb ages of groundmass perovskite determined by secondary ion mass
spectrometry, trace element, and Sr and Nd isotopic compositions for twelve kimberlites …
spectrometry, trace element, and Sr and Nd isotopic compositions for twelve kimberlites …
A translithospheric suture in the vanished 1-Ga lithospheric root of South India: evidence from contrasting lithosphere sections in the Dharwar Craton
Garnet xenocrysts and eclogite xenoliths from 15 kimberlites (1.0–1.1 Ga in age) have been
used to map the composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle along an 80-km …
used to map the composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle along an 80-km …
Clinopyroxene and garnet mantle cargo in kimberlites as probes of Dharwar craton architecture and geotherms, with implications for post-1· 1 Ga lithosphere thinning …
Abstract The Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field (WKF) on the Eastern Dharwar Craton in southern
India hosts several occurrences of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites, lamproites and ultramafic …
India hosts several occurrences of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites, lamproites and ultramafic …
[HTML][HTML] Precambrian alkaline potassic-ultrapotassic, mafic-ultramafic magmatism in peninsular India
Abstract Potassic-ultrapotassic, mafic-ultramafic (PUMU) alkaline magmas, typified by the
abundance of potassium over sodium, constitute an extremely important alkaline rock group …
abundance of potassium over sodium, constitute an extremely important alkaline rock group …
New insights into the genesis of Indian kimberlites from the Dharwar Craton via in situ Sr isotope analysis of groundmass perovskite
In situ Sr isotopic analyses of kimberlitic perovskite are more representative of primary
magmatic compositions than conventional bulk-rock analyses of the same samples …
magmatic compositions than conventional bulk-rock analyses of the same samples …
Subduction-related origin of eclogite xenoliths from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Eastern Dharwar craton, Southern India: Constraints from petrology and …
Major and trace elements as well as the first oxygen isotopes are reported on eclogite
xenoliths from the Mesoproterozoic KL2 and P3 kimberlite pipes of the Wajrakarur kimberlite …
xenoliths from the Mesoproterozoic KL2 and P3 kimberlite pipes of the Wajrakarur kimberlite …
Olivine trace element compositions in diamondiferous lamproites from India: Proxies for magma origins and the nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Bastar …
Abstract The~ 1100 Ma CC2 and P13 lamproite dykes in the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field
(WKF), Eastern Dharwar Craton, and~ 65 Ma Kodomali and Behradih lamproite diatremes in …
(WKF), Eastern Dharwar Craton, and~ 65 Ma Kodomali and Behradih lamproite diatremes in …
Apatite, SiO2, rutile and orthopyroxene precipitates in minerals of eclogite xenoliths from Yakutian kimberlites, Russia
Eclogite mantle xenoliths from the central part of Siberian craton (Udachnaya and Zarnitsa
kimberlite pipes) as well as from the northeastern edge of the craton (Obnazhennaya …
kimberlite pipes) as well as from the northeastern edge of the craton (Obnazhennaya …
[HTML][HTML] Petrogenesis of the diamondiferous Pipe-8 ultramafic intrusion from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field of Southern India and its relation to the worldwide …
Detailed mineralogy, bulk rock major, trace and Sr–Nd isotope compositions, and 40 Ar/39
Ar dating of the Pipe-8 diamondiferous ultramafic intrusion in the Wajrakarur cluster of …
Ar dating of the Pipe-8 diamondiferous ultramafic intrusion in the Wajrakarur cluster of …
[HTML][HTML] Subsurface architecture of the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field, Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence from ground magnetic surveys
The Ground magnetic study in the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field and adjoining area has
unveiled prominent geological variations, including felsic doming beneath the PGC-II …
unveiled prominent geological variations, including felsic doming beneath the PGC-II …