Science literacy: Concepts, contexts, and consequences
Science is a way of knowing about the world. At once a process, a product, and an
institution, science enables people to both engage in the construction of new knowledge as …
institution, science enables people to both engage in the construction of new knowledge as …
Nanocomposites in food packaging
The development of nanocomposites is a new strategy to improve physical properties of
polymers, including mechanical strength, thermal stability, and gas barrier properties. The …
polymers, including mechanical strength, thermal stability, and gas barrier properties. The …
Science-related populism: Conceptualizing populist demands toward science
Populism is on the rise in many countries. Scholars have stated that it is characteristic for
political populism to describe society as a fundamental struggle between an allegedly …
political populism to describe society as a fundamental struggle between an allegedly …
Public acceptance of fully automated driving: Effects of social trust and risk/benefit perceptions
Automated driving (AD) is one of the most significant technical advances in the
transportation industry. Its safety, economic, and environmental benefits cannot be realized if …
transportation industry. Its safety, economic, and environmental benefits cannot be realized if …
“Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing
The recent push to develop unconventional sources of oil and gas both in the US and
abroad via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) has generated a great deal of controversy …
abroad via hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) has generated a great deal of controversy …
Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging–Rational and emotional approaches
Ecological marketing claims have been criticized for confusing or misleading buyers,
leading to calls for more rationality in promoting and evaluating 'green'products. However …
leading to calls for more rationality in promoting and evaluating 'green'products. However …
An attack on science? Media use, trust in scientists, and perceptions of global warming
There is a growing divide in how conservatives and liberals in the USA understand the issue
of global warming. Prior research suggests that the American public's reliance on partisan …
of global warming. Prior research suggests that the American public's reliance on partisan …
Nanotechnology and its applications in the food sector
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are new frontiers of this century. Their applications to the
agriculture and food sector are relatively recent compared with their use in drug delivery and …
agriculture and food sector are relatively recent compared with their use in drug delivery and …
Consumer response to novel agri-food technologies: Implications for predicting consumer acceptance of emerging food technologies
The issue of consumer acceptance of food technologies, and their applications, needs to be
addressed early in technology development. However, whether extensive assessment of …
addressed early in technology development. However, whether extensive assessment of …
Framing, motivated reasoning, and opinions about emergent technologies
How do individuals form opinions about new technologies? What role does factual
information play? We address these questions by incorporating 2 dynamics, typically …
information play? We address these questions by incorporating 2 dynamics, typically …