Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean offers a unique opportunity to study the driving forces of tectonic
deformation within a complex mobile belt. Lithospheric dynamics are affected by slab …
deformation within a complex mobile belt. Lithospheric dynamics are affected by slab …
Multiproxy assessment of Holocene relative sea-level changes in the western Mediterranean: Sea-level variability and improvements in the definition of the isostatic …
A review of 917 relative sea-level (RSL) data-points has resulted in the first quality-
controlled database constraining the Holocene sea-level histories of the western …
controlled database constraining the Holocene sea-level histories of the western …
Surface velocities and strain-rates in the Euro-Mediterranean region from massive GPS data processing
In this work we present and discuss new geodetic velocity and strain-rate fields for the Euro-
Mediterranean region obtained from the analysis of continuous GNSS stations. We describe …
Mediterranean region obtained from the analysis of continuous GNSS stations. We describe …
Sea-level rise and potential drowning of the Italian coastal plains: Flooding risk scenarios for 2100
We depict the relative sea-level rise scenarios for the year 2100 from four areas of the Italian
peninsula. Our estimates are based on the Rahmstorf (2007) and IPCC-AR5 reports 2013 …
peninsula. Our estimates are based on the Rahmstorf (2007) and IPCC-AR5 reports 2013 …
GPS imaging of global vertical land motion for studies of sea level rise
We estimate the rates and patterns of vertical land motion (VLM) on all locations on Earth's
land surface using GPS Imaging. The solution is based on a large database of uniformly …
land surface using GPS Imaging. The solution is based on a large database of uniformly …
Present-day uplift of the European Alps: Evaluating mechanisms and models of their relative contributions
Recent measurements of surface vertical displacements of the European Alps show a
correlation between vertical velocities and topographic features, with widespread uplift at …
correlation between vertical velocities and topographic features, with widespread uplift at …
Review of current GPS methodologies for producing accurate time series and their error sources
Abstract The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an important tool to observe and model
geodynamic processes such as plate tectonics and post-glacial rebound. In the last three …
geodynamic processes such as plate tectonics and post-glacial rebound. In the last three …
Mantle convection in the Middle East: Reconciling Afar upwelling, Arabia indentation and Aegean trench rollback
Abstract The Middle East region represents a key site within the Tethyan domain where
continental break-up, collision, backarc extension and escape tectonics are kinematically …
continental break-up, collision, backarc extension and escape tectonics are kinematically …
The GPS velocity field of the Aegean. New observations, contribution of the earthquakes, crustal blocks model
We calculate and analyse the coordinate time-series of 282 permanent GPS stations located
in Greece and 47 in surrounding countries. The studied period is 2000–2020. The average …
in Greece and 47 in surrounding countries. The studied period is 2000–2020. The average …
3D GNSS velocity field sheds light on the deformation mechanisms in Europe: Effects of the vertical crustal motion on the distribution of seismicity
Crustal deformation and seismicity in Europe are still poorly understood. Seismic activity is
classically ascribed to crustal strain rates generated by edge‐driven tectonic forces …
classically ascribed to crustal strain rates generated by edge‐driven tectonic forces …