Enabling silicon for solar-fuel production
After over 150 years of exploiting fossil fuels, nowadays humans are encountering two great
global problems: the increasingly serious environmental pollution and the expected …
global problems: the increasingly serious environmental pollution and the expected …
Develo** a scalable artificial photosynthesis technology through nanomaterials by design
NS Lewis - Nature nanotechnology, 2016 - nature.com
An artificial photosynthetic system that directly produces fuels from sunlight could provide an
approach to scalable energy storage and a technology for the carbon-neutral production of …
approach to scalable energy storage and a technology for the carbon-neutral production of …
An 18.2%-efficient black-silicon solar cell achieved through control of carrier recombination in nanostructures
Silicon nanowire and nanopore arrays promise to reduce manufacturing costs and increase
the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices. So far, however, photovoltaic cells …
the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices. So far, however, photovoltaic cells …
Photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution using Si microwire arrays
SW Boettcher, EL Warren, MC Putnam… - Journal of the …, 2011 - ACS Publications
Arrays of B-doped p-Si microwires, diffusion-doped with P to form a radial n+ emitter and
subsequently coated with a 1.5-nm-thick discontinuous film of evaporated Pt, were used as …
subsequently coated with a 1.5-nm-thick discontinuous film of evaporated Pt, were used as …
Evaluation of Pt, Ni, and Ni–Mo electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution on crystalline Si electrodes
The dark electrocatalytic and light photocathodic hydrogen evolution properties of Ni, Ni–Mo
alloys, and Pt on Si electrodes have been measured, to assess the viability of earth …
alloys, and Pt on Si electrodes have been measured, to assess the viability of earth …
Stretchable, elastic materials and devices for solar energy conversion
This Perspective reviews stretchable, elastic materials and devices of use for the conversion
of solar energy. Stretchable and extremely flexible photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical …
of solar energy. Stretchable and extremely flexible photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical …
GaAs nanopillar-array solar cells employing in situ surface passivation
G Mariani, AC Scofield, CH Hung… - Nature communications, 2013 - nature.com
Arrays of III–V direct-bandgap semiconductor nanopillars represent promising photovoltaic
candidates due to their inherent high optical absorption coefficients and minimized reflection …
candidates due to their inherent high optical absorption coefficients and minimized reflection …
GaAs nanowire array solar cells with axial p–i–n junctions
Because of unique structural, optical, and electrical properties, solar cells based on
semiconductor nanowires are a rapidly evolving scientific enterprise. Various approaches …
semiconductor nanowires are a rapidly evolving scientific enterprise. Various approaches …
Tuning light absorption in core/shell silicon nanowire photovoltaic devices through morphological design
Subwavelength diameter semiconductor nanowires can support optical resonances with
anomalously large absorption cross sections, and thus tailoring these resonances to specific …
anomalously large absorption cross sections, and thus tailoring these resonances to specific …
The generalized Shockley-Queisser limit for nanostructured solar cells
Abstract The Shockley-Queisser limit describes the maximum solar energy conversion
efficiency achievable for a particular material and is the standard by which new photovoltaic …
efficiency achievable for a particular material and is the standard by which new photovoltaic …