[PDF][PDF] Isolation and identification of euphol and β-sitosterol from the dichloromethane extracts of Synadenium glaucescens
Purification of dichloromethane extract from root barks and leaves of Synadenium
glaucescens respectively resulted into the isolation of two compounds namely Euphol and β …
glaucescens respectively resulted into the isolation of two compounds namely Euphol and β …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of antiviral activity of Azadirachta indica (Neem) bark extract against Newcastle disease virus.
Poultry is the second largest industry of Pakistan but its progress was hampered due to
many bacterial and viral diseases which are major constraints for profitable poultry …
many bacterial and viral diseases which are major constraints for profitable poultry …
Antimicrobial silver nanoparticles derived from Synadenium glaucescens exhibit significant ecotoxicological impact in waste stabilization ponds
In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the production of silver
bionanoparticles due to their widespread commercialization and technological applications …
bionanoparticles due to their widespread commercialization and technological applications …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of bioactive composites and antiviral activity of Iresine herbstii extracts against Newcastle disease virus in ovo
The study was implemented to actuate the qualitative and quantitative phyto constituents of
Iresine herbstii extracts and its antiviral efficacy against avian ND virus. Among four tested …
Iresine herbstii extracts and its antiviral efficacy against avian ND virus. Among four tested …
Epifriedelanol is the key compound to antibacterial effects of extracts of Synadenium glaucescens (Pax) against medically important bacteria
Introduction Synadenium glaucescens has been used for the treatment of bacterial
infections in many parts of the world. We investigated the antibacterial and cytotoxicity …
infections in many parts of the world. We investigated the antibacterial and cytotoxicity …
Anti-Newcastle Disease Virus activity of 3β and 3α Friedelanol Triterpenoids from the leaves of Synadenium glaucescens Pax
Newcastle Disease (ND) is a highly pathogenic disease of avian species which is caused by
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). It is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity to …
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). It is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity to …
[PDF][PDF] Study of antiviral potential of cholistani plants against new castle disease virus
Materials and methods Eleven fresh plants including Achyranthes aspera, Haloxylon
recurvum, Haloxylon salicornicum, Oxystelma esculentum, Octhocloa compressa, Neurada …
recurvum, Haloxylon salicornicum, Oxystelma esculentum, Octhocloa compressa, Neurada …
In ovo antiviral potency of the leaf constituents of Tanzanian Toussaintia species against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus and Newcastle Disease Virus
SS Nyandoro, MHH Nkunya, JC Cosam… - International Journal of …, 2014 - ajol.info
The chemical constituents of Toussantia orientalis and T. patriciae (Annonaceae) leaf
extracts were evaluated for their antiviral activities in ovo against Infectious Bursal Disease …
extracts were evaluated for their antiviral activities in ovo against Infectious Bursal Disease …
In vitro antibacterial potential of extracts of Sterculia africana, Acacia sieberiana, and Cassia abbreviata ssp. abbreviata used by yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus …
In the animals in general and nonhuman primates in particular self‐medication has been
widely reported; however, little is still known about the pharmacological activity of the …
widely reported; however, little is still known about the pharmacological activity of the …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of crude root extract from Synadenium glaucescens on selected bacterial infections in albino mice (Mus musculus)
Studies were carried out to investigate the effect of root extract from a tropical plant
Synadenium glaucescens against two pathogenic species of bacteria in mice. A total of 120 …
Synadenium glaucescens against two pathogenic species of bacteria in mice. A total of 120 …