Turing's cascade instability supports the coordination of the mind, brain, and behavior
Turing inspired a computer metaphor of the mind and brain that has been handy and has
spawned decades of empirical investigation, but he did much more and offered behavioral …
spawned decades of empirical investigation, but he did much more and offered behavioral …
Older adults and individuals with Parkinson's disease control posture along suborthogonal directions that deviate from the traditional anteroposterior and mediolateral …
A rich and complex temporal structure of variability in postural sway characterizes healthy
and adaptable postural control. However, neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's …
and adaptable postural control. However, neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's …
Multifractal descriptors ergodically characterize non-ergodic multiplicative cascade processes
Biological and psychological processes routinely break ergodicity, meaning they fail to have
stable means (M ean) and independent variation over time that we might find in additive …
stable means (M ean) and independent variation over time that we might find in additive …
Postural control in gymnasts: Anisotropic fractal scaling reveals proprioceptive reintegration in vestibular perturbation
Dexterous postural control subtly complements movement variability with sensory
correlations at many scales. The expressive poise of gymnasts exemplifies this lyrical …
correlations at many scales. The expressive poise of gymnasts exemplifies this lyrical …
Multifractal perturbations to multiplicative cascades promote multifractal nonlinearity with asymmetric spectra
Biological and psychological processes have been conceptualized as emerging from
intricate multiplicative interactions among component processes across various spatial and …
intricate multiplicative interactions among component processes across various spatial and …
Machine-learning classification with additivity and diverse multifractal pathways in multiplicativity
Evidence of multifractal structures has spread to a wider set of physiological time series
supporting the intricate interplay of biological and psychological functioning. These …
supporting the intricate interplay of biological and psychological functioning. These …
Angular distribution of fractal temporal correlations supports adaptive responses to wobble board instability
B Schlattmann, K Kiyono… - Journal of the …, 2025 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Contemporary dynamical models of human postural control propose an intermittent
controller regulating the postural centre of pressure (CoP) about a stable saddle-shaped …
controller regulating the postural centre of pressure (CoP) about a stable saddle-shaped …
Multifractal nonlinearity moderates feedforward and feedback responses to suprapostural perturbations
An adaptive response to unexpected perturbations requires near-term and long-term
adjustments over time. We used multifractal analysis to test how nonlinear interactions …
adjustments over time. We used multifractal analysis to test how nonlinear interactions …
Additivity suppresses multifractal nonlinearity due to multiplicative cascade dynamics
An enduring controversy in biological and psychological sciences has centered on the
tension between the role of random multiplicative cascade processes and the sometimes …
tension between the role of random multiplicative cascade processes and the sometimes …
Hypothetical control of postural sway
Quiet standing exhibits strongly intermittent variability that has inspired at least two
interpretations. First, variability can be intermittent through the alternating engagement and …
interpretations. First, variability can be intermittent through the alternating engagement and …