Recent progress on phase engineering of nanomaterials
As a key structural parameter, phase depicts the arrangement of atoms in materials.
Normally, a nanomaterial exists in its thermodynamically stable crystal phase. With the …
Normally, a nanomaterial exists in its thermodynamically stable crystal phase. With the …
A review on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) based nanocomposites: synthesis, categories, and their application in photocatalysis
M Ismael - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020 - Elsevier
In recent years, heterogeneous photocatalysis using semiconductor and solar energy has
gained a lot of attention owing to its potential applications in many fields such as the …
gained a lot of attention owing to its potential applications in many fields such as the …
Induced dipole moments in amorphous ZnCdS catalysts facilitate photocatalytic H2 evolution
Amorphous semiconductors without perfect crystalline lattice structures are usually
considered to be unfavorable for photocatalysis due to the presence of enriched trap states …
considered to be unfavorable for photocatalysis due to the presence of enriched trap states …
Unraveling the dual defect sites in graphite carbon nitride for ultra-high photocatalytic H 2 O 2 evolution
Defect engineering modified graphite carbon nitride (g-C3N4) has been widely used in
various photocatalytic systems due to the enhanced catalytic activity of multiple defect sites …
various photocatalytic systems due to the enhanced catalytic activity of multiple defect sites …
Improving CO2 photoconversion with ionic liquid and Co single atoms
Y Liu, J Sun, H Huang, L Bai, X Zhao, B Qu… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Photocatalytic CO2 conversion promises an ideal route to store solar energy into chemical
bonds. However, sluggish electron kinetics and unfavorable product selectivity remain …
bonds. However, sluggish electron kinetics and unfavorable product selectivity remain …
Homogeneous Carbon/Potassium‐Incorporation Strategy for Synthesizing Red Polymeric Carbon Nitride Capable of Near‐Infrared Photocatalytic H2 Production
The efficient utilization of near‐infrared (NIR) light for photocatalytic hydrogen generation is
vitally important to both solar hydrogen energy and hydrogen medicine, but remains a …
vitally important to both solar hydrogen energy and hydrogen medicine, but remains a …
Construction of Frustrated Lewis Pairs in Poly(heptazine Imide) Nanosheets via Hydrogen Bonds for Boosting CO2 Photoreduction
M Zhou, H Wang, R Liu, Z Liu, X **ao… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The creation of frustrated Lewis pairs on catalyst surface is an effective strategy for tuning
CO2 activation. The critical step in the formation of frustrated Lewis pairs is the spatial effect …
CO2 activation. The critical step in the formation of frustrated Lewis pairs is the spatial effect …
Designing a 0D/2D S‐scheme heterojunction over polymeric carbon nitride for visible‐light photocatalytic inactivation of bacteria
Constructing heterojunctions between two semiconductors with matched band structure is
an effective strategy to acquire high‐efficiency photocatalysts. The S‐scheme heterojunction …
an effective strategy to acquire high‐efficiency photocatalysts. The S‐scheme heterojunction …
Phosphorus and kalium co-doped g-C3N4 with multiple-locus synergies to degrade atrazine: Insights into the depth analysis of the generation and role of singlet …
Y Deng, Z Zhou, H Zeng, R Tang, L Li, J Wang… - Applied Catalysis B …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this work, with the help of KH 2 PO 4, a phosphorus and kalium co-doped gC 3 N 4 with
cyano and nitrogen vacancies (PKCN) have been prepared via a simple thermal treatment …
cyano and nitrogen vacancies (PKCN) have been prepared via a simple thermal treatment …
C-, N-Vacancy defect engineered polymeric carbon nitride towards photocatalysis: viewpoints and challenges
A Kumar, P Raizada… - Journal of Materials …, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
As an alluring metal-free polymeric semiconductor material, graphite-like carbon nitride (g-
C3N4; abbreviated as GCN) has triggered a new impetus in the field of photocatalysis …
C3N4; abbreviated as GCN) has triggered a new impetus in the field of photocatalysis …