Precarious work and precarious workers: Towards an improved conceptualisation
Discussion of the implications of precarious work for individual workers remains hesitant and
often confused. A clear conceptualisation would separate out five analytical levels …
often confused. A clear conceptualisation would separate out five analytical levels …
COVID‐19 and the immediate impact on young people and employment in Australia: A gendered analysis
B Churchill - Gender, Work & Organization, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Young people have been regarded as “not at risk” of coronavirus, but what about the
economic impact of social distancing and “lockdowns” arising from the pandemic? How …
economic impact of social distancing and “lockdowns” arising from the pandemic? How …
Key influences on aspirations for higher education of Australian school students in regional and remote locations: A sco** review of empirical research, 1991–2016
Despite numerous equity initiatives aimed at increasing participation in higher education,
students from regional and remote communities continue to be underrepresented in …
students from regional and remote communities continue to be underrepresented in …
[КНИГА][B] Young working-class men in transition
S Roberts - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Young Working Class Men in Transition uses a unique blend of concepts from the
sociologies of youth and masculinity combined with Bourdieusian social theory to …
sociologies of youth and masculinity combined with Bourdieusian social theory to …
Reflections on the use of spatial and relational metaphors in youth studies
This article makes a contribution to ongoing debate with youth studies about the frameworks
and concepts that inform research and practice. It offers an analysis of the spatial metaphor …
and concepts that inform research and practice. It offers an analysis of the spatial metaphor …
[КНИГА][B] Making-up people: Youth, truth and politics
J Bessant - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This book is about modern politics and young people. Judith Bessant revises some long-
standing myths about children and young people's politics. She highlights the huge gap …
standing myths about children and young people's politics. She highlights the huge gap …
[КНИГА][B] Young people making it work: Continuity and change in rural places
Young People Making it Work examines a generation's lives in rural Australia over the last
two decades. Against a backdrop of dramatic social, economic and environmental change …
two decades. Against a backdrop of dramatic social, economic and environmental change …
Youth underemployment: A review of research on young people and the problems of less (er) employment in an era of mass education
B Churchill, C Khan - Sociology Compass, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we examine the problem of youth underemployment and how it is
conceptualised, operationalised and understood within wider sociology, with particular focus …
conceptualised, operationalised and understood within wider sociology, with particular focus …
[КНИГА][B] Temporality in mobile lives: Contemporary Asia–Australia migration and everyday time
S Robertson - 2021 - books.google.com
Shanthi Robertson provides fresh perspectives on 21st-century migratory experiences in this
innovative study of young Asian migrants' lives in Australia. Exploring the aspirations and …
innovative study of young Asian migrants' lives in Australia. Exploring the aspirations and …
Agency, futurity and representation: Conceptualising hope in recent sociological work
Although humanities and social science disciplines have witnessed an explosion of interest
in the topic of hope in recent decades, uptake of this concept has been comparatively …
in the topic of hope in recent decades, uptake of this concept has been comparatively …