An algorithmic perspective on imitation learning
As robots and other intelligent agents move from simple environments and problems to more
complex, unstructured settings, manually programming their behavior has become …
complex, unstructured settings, manually programming their behavior has become …
Imitation learning: A survey of learning methods
Imitation learning techniques aim to mimic human behavior in a given task. An agent (a
learning machine) is trained to perform a task from demonstrations by learning a map** …
learning machine) is trained to perform a task from demonstrations by learning a map** …
Recent advances in imitation learning from observation
Imitation learning is the process by which one agent tries to learn how to perform a certain
task using information generated by another, often more-expert agent performing that same …
task using information generated by another, often more-expert agent performing that same …
Exploiting recurrent neural networks and leap motion controller for the recognition of sign language and semaphoric hand gestures
Hand gesture recognition is still a topic of great interest for the computer vision community.
In particular, sign language and semaphoric hand gestures are two foremost areas of …
In particular, sign language and semaphoric hand gestures are two foremost areas of …
Vision-based hand-gesture applications
Vision-based hand-gesture applications Page 1 60 communicAtions of tHe Acm | FeBrUAry
2011 | voL. 54 | No. 2 contributed articles There is sTrong evidence that future humancomputer …
2011 | voL. 54 | No. 2 contributed articles There is sTrong evidence that future humancomputer …
Survey: Robot programming by demonstration
Figure 59.1: Left: A robot learns how to make a chess move (namely moving the queen
forward) by generalizing across different demonstrations of the task performed in slightly …
forward) by generalizing across different demonstrations of the task performed in slightly …