[HTML][HTML] Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved?
Many organisations are dependent upon long-term sustainable software systems and
associated communities. In this paper we consider long-term sustainability of Open Source …
associated communities. In this paper we consider long-term sustainability of Open Source …
The Linux kernel as a case study in software evolution
We use 810 versions of the Linux kernel, released over a period of 14years, to characterize
the system's evolution, using Lehman's laws of software evolution as a basis. We investigate …
the system's evolution, using Lehman's laws of software evolution as a basis. We investigate …
A study of feature scattering in the linux kernel
Feature code is often scattered across a software system. Scattering is not necessarily bad if
used with care, as witnessed by systems with highly scattered features that evolved …
used with care, as witnessed by systems with highly scattered features that evolved …
The impact of a major security event on an open source project: The case of OpenSSL
Context: The Heartbleed vulnerability brought OpenSSL to international attention in 2014.
The almost moribund project was a key security component in public web servers and over a …
The almost moribund project was a key security component in public web servers and over a …
Towards a better understanding of software evolution: An empirical study on open source software
Software evolution is a fact of life. Over the past thirty years, researchers have proposed
hypotheses on how software changes, and provided evidence that both supports and refutes …
hypotheses on how software changes, and provided evidence that both supports and refutes …
Coevolution of variability models and related software artifacts: A fresh look at evolution patterns in the linux kernel
Variant-rich software systems offer a large degree of customization, allowing users to
configure the target system according to their preferences and needs. Facing high degrees …
configure the target system according to their preferences and needs. Facing high degrees …
A systematic review of studies of open source software evolution
Software evolution relates to how software systems evolve over time. With the emergence of
the open source paradigm, researchers are provided with a wealth of data for open source …
the open source paradigm, researchers are provided with a wealth of data for open source …
Vulnerability discovery in multi-version software systems
The vulnerability discovery process for a program describes the rate at which the security
vulnerabilities are discovered. Being able to predict the vulnerability discovery process …
vulnerabilities are discovered. Being able to predict the vulnerability discovery process …
Coevolution of variability models and related artifacts: A case study from the linux kernel
Variability-aware systems are subject to the coevolution of variability models and related
artifacts. Surprisingly, little knowledge exists to understand such coevolution in practice. This …
artifacts. Surprisingly, little knowledge exists to understand such coevolution in practice. This …
Analyzing a decade of Linux system calls
Over the past 25 years, thousands of developers have contributed more than 18 million lines
of code (LOC) to the Linux kernel. As the Linux kernel forms the central part of various …
of code (LOC) to the Linux kernel. As the Linux kernel forms the central part of various …