[КНИГА][B] Women in the British Army: war and the gentle sex, 1907–1948
L Noakes - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
In this fascinating, timely and engaging study, Lucy Noakes examines women's role in the
army and female military organizations during the First and Second World Wars, during …
army and female military organizations during the First and Second World Wars, during …
[КНИГА][B] Paradoxes of gender
J Lorber - 1994 - books.google.com
In this pathbreaking book, a well-known feminist and sociologist--who is also the Founding
Editor of Gender & Society--challenges our most basic assumptions about gender. Judith …
Editor of Gender & Society--challenges our most basic assumptions about gender. Judith …
[КНИГА][B] Worlding women: A feminist international politics
JJ Pettman - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
In Worlding Women Jan **dy Pettman asks' Where are the women in international
relations'? She develops a broad picture of women in colonial and post-colonial relations; …
relations'? She develops a broad picture of women in colonial and post-colonial relations; …
[КНИГА][B] Women's identities at war: Gender, motherhood, and politics in Britain and France during the First World War
SR Grayzel - 2014 - books.google.com
There are few moments in history when the division between the sexes seems as" natural"
as during wartime: men go off to the" war front," while women stay behind on the" home …
as during wartime: men go off to the" war front," while women stay behind on the" home …
[КНИГА][B] Touch and intimacy in First World War literature
S Das - 2005 - books.google.com
War writing is haunted by experiences of physical contact: from the muddy realities of the
front to the emotional intensity of trench life. Through extensive archival and historical …
front to the emotional intensity of trench life. Through extensive archival and historical …
[КНИГА][B] The body of war: Media, ethnicity, and gender in the break-up of Yugoslavia
D Žarkov - 2007 - books.google.com
In The Body of War, Dubravka Žarkov analyzes representations of female and male bodies
in the Croatian and Serbian press in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s, during the war in …
in the Croatian and Serbian press in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s, during the war in …
[КНИГА][B] Roman Shakespeare: Warriors, wounds and women
C Kahn - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In the first full-length study of Shakespeare's Roman plays, Coppélia Kahn brings to these
texts a startling, critical perspective which interrogates the gender ideologies lurking …
texts a startling, critical perspective which interrogates the gender ideologies lurking …
[КНИГА][B] The blood of our sons: Men, women and the renegotiation of British citizenship during the Great War
N Gullace - 2016 - books.google.com
In this ground-breaking study of the complex relationship between war, gender, and
citizenship in Great Britain during World War I, Nicoletta Gullace shows how the assault on …
citizenship in Great Britain during World War I, Nicoletta Gullace shows how the assault on …
[КНИГА][B] The male body at war: American masculinity and embodiment during World War II
CS Jarvis - 2000 - search.proquest.com
Drawing on recent trends in gender studies, World War II scholarship, and histories of the
body, this dissertation explores the impact of the Second World War on the American male …
body, this dissertation explores the impact of the Second World War on the American male …
[КНИГА][B] Fighting for Rome: poets and Caesars, history and civil war
J Henderson - 1998 - books.google.com
The essays in Fighting for Rome confront the traumatic disjunction between the militarist
culture of classical Rome, with its heavy investment in valour, conquest and triumph, and the …
culture of classical Rome, with its heavy investment in valour, conquest and triumph, and the …