Plant immune responses against viruses: how does a virus cause disease?
Plants respond to pathogens using elaborate networks of genetic interactions. Recently,
significant progress has been made in understanding RNA silencing and how viruses …
significant progress has been made in understanding RNA silencing and how viruses …
Use of zoophytophagous mirid bugs in horticultural crops: current challenges and future perspectives
In recent years, the use of predatory mirid bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) in horticultural crops
has increased considerably. Mirid bugs are zoophytophagous predators, that is, they display …
has increased considerably. Mirid bugs are zoophytophagous predators, that is, they display …
The Immunity Regulator BAK1 Contributes to Resistance Against Diverse RNA Viruses
CJ Kørner, D Klauser, A Niehl… - Molecular plant …, 2013 - Am Phytopath Society
The plant's innate immune system detects potential biotic threats through recognition of
microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) or danger-associated molecular patterns …
microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) or danger-associated molecular patterns …
REM1. 3's phospho-status defines its plasma membrane nanodomain organization and activity in restricting PVX cell-to-cell movement
A Perraki, J Gronnier, P Gouguet, M Boudsocq… - PLoS …, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Plants respond to pathogens through dynamic regulation of plasma membrane-bound
signaling pathways. To date, how the plant plasma membrane is involved in responses to …
signaling pathways. To date, how the plant plasma membrane is involved in responses to …
[HTML][HTML] A new era for mild strain cross-protection
Societal and environmental pressures demand high-quality and resilient crop** plants
and plant-based foods grown with the use of low or no synthetic chemical inputs. Mild strain …
and plant-based foods grown with the use of low or no synthetic chemical inputs. Mild strain …
Induction of plant defenses: the added value of zoophytophagous predators
Several biological control agents of the hemipteran insect families Miridae, Anthocoridae
and Pentatomidae, as well as mites of the family Phytoseiidae are known as …
and Pentatomidae, as well as mites of the family Phytoseiidae are known as …
Transcriptome Analysis of Nicotiana tabacum Infected by Cucumber mosaic virus during Systemic Symptom Development
J Lu, ZX Du, J Kong, LN Chen, YH Qiu, GF Li, XH Meng… - 2012 - journals.plos.org
Virus infection of plants may induce a variety of disease symptoms. However, little is known
about the molecular mechanism of systemic symptom development in infected plants. Here …
about the molecular mechanism of systemic symptom development in infected plants. Here …
Salicylic acid and gentisic acid induce RNA silencing-related genes and plant resistance to RNA pathogens
We have observed that treatments with salicylic acid (SA) or gentisic acid (GA) induced
resistance to RNA pathogens such as ToMV and CEVd in tomato and Gynura auriantiaca …
resistance to RNA pathogens such as ToMV and CEVd in tomato and Gynura auriantiaca …
[HTML][HTML] Transcriptomic Reprogramming, Alternative Splicing and RNA Methylation in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plants in Response to Potato Virus Y Infection
Plant-virus interactions are greatly influenced by environmental factors such as
temperatures. In virus-infected plants, enhanced temperature is frequently associated with …
temperatures. In virus-infected plants, enhanced temperature is frequently associated with …
Comprehensive transcriptome analysis and functional characterization of PR-5 for its involvement in tomato Sw-7 resistance to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus
C Padmanabhan, Q Ma, R Shekasteband… - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV), one of the most important plant viruses, causes yield
losses to many crops including tomato. The current disease management for TSWV is based …
losses to many crops including tomato. The current disease management for TSWV is based …