[КНИГА][B] The nature of adolescence

JC Coleman - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
The fourth edition of this successful textbook provides an up-to-date introduction to all of the
key features of adolescent development. While drawing on the North American literature on …

Personal characteristics and contextual factors that determine “hel**,”“joining in,” and “doing nothing” when witnessing cyberbullying

K Van Cleemput, H Vandebosch… - Aggressive …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we investigated several determinants of bystanders' reactive behaviors when
confronted with cyberbullying using self‐reported data from 2,333 Flemish 9–16 year olds …

Motives for using Facebook, patterns of Facebook activities, and late adolescents' social adjustment to college

C Yang, BB Brown - Journal of youth and adolescence, 2013 - Springer
Previous studies have confirmed that Facebook, the leading social networking site among
young people, facilitates social connections among college students, but the specific …

[КНИГА][B] It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens

D Boyd - 2014 - journals.openedition.org
It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens Navigation – Plan du site Liens Socio
Lectures AccueilÀ suivrePublications reçues2015It's Complicated: The Social Live... Chercher …

[КНИГА][B] Children and media: A global perspective

D Lemish - 2015 - books.google.com
Taking a global and interdisciplinary approach, Children and Media explores the role of
modern media, including the internet, television, mobile media and video games, in the …

Bullying victimization and poor relationships with parents as risk factors of problematic internet use in adolescence

M Boniel-Nissim, H Sasson - Computers in human Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
During adolescence, adolescents move away from their parents in order to establish their
place in society. Therefore, there are two arenas that have a significant impact on …

Social and demographic factors linked to youth civic and political engagement

M Barrett, D Pachi - Youth civic and political engagement, 2019 - library.oapen.org
What exactly is civic and political participation? What factors influence young people's
participation? How can we encourage youth to participate actively in their own …

Gender and player characteristics in video game play of preadolescents

BD Homer, EO Hayward, J Frye, JL Plass - Computers in Human Behavior, 2012 - Elsevier
The present study explores the relation among different characteristics of preadolescents
and their video game habits and preferences. Specifically, the predictive power of age …

Adolescents' use of instant messaging as a means of emotional relief

M Dolev-Cohen, A Barak - Computers in human behavior, 2013 - Elsevier
Instant Messaging (IM) plays a major role in online communication, whether through
dedicated software or through chat integrated in a social network's platform. IM-based online …

Social Media and Loneliness--Forever Connected?.

R Yavich, N Davidovitch, Z Frenkel - Higher Education Studies, 2019 - ERIC
Young adults' use of social media has soared in recent years, and the many hours that
young adults now spend in front of screens replace time spent in face-to-face interactions …