Bridging large-scale neuronal recordings and large-scale network models using dimensionality reduction
Highlights•The interplay of neuronal recordings and network models is becoming ever
stronger.•Population activity structure provides common ground for incisive comparisons.• …
stronger.•Population activity structure provides common ground for incisive comparisons.• …
Orthogonal neural representations support perceptual judgments of natural stimuli
In natural visually guided behavior, observers must separate relevant information from a
barrage of irrelevant information. Many studies have investigated the neural underpinnings …
barrage of irrelevant information. Many studies have investigated the neural underpinnings …
Conserved structures of neural activity in sensorimotor cortex of freely moving rats allow cross-subject decoding
Our knowledge about neuronal activity in the sensorimotor cortex relies primarily on
stereotyped movements that are strictly controlled in experimental settings. It remains …
stereotyped movements that are strictly controlled in experimental settings. It remains …
Invariant neural dynamics drive commands to control different movements
It has been proposed that the nervous system has the capacity to generate a wide variety of
movements because it reuses some invariant code. Previous work has identified that …
movements because it reuses some invariant code. Previous work has identified that …
Secondary motor cortex tracks decision value and supports behavioral flexibility during non-instructed choice
Optimal decision-making relies on interconnected frontal brain regions, which permit
animals to adapt their decisions based on their internal state, experience, and …
animals to adapt their decisions based on their internal state, experience, and …
fMRI signatures of motor sequence learning: A critical re-evaluation
Despite numerous studies, there is little agreement about what brain changes accompany
motor sequence learning, partly because of a general publication bias that favors novel …
motor sequence learning, partly because of a general publication bias that favors novel …
Movement Prediction Using Calcium Imaging Signal
C Li - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Imaging techniques like in vivo calcium imaging are gradually replacing electrophysiological
techniques to investigate the neural mechanism of motor control. Through multi-photon …
techniques to investigate the neural mechanism of motor control. Through multi-photon …