“Sons of Northern Darkness”: Heathen Influences in Black Metal and Neofolk Music1
K Granholm - Numen, 2011 - brill.com
The focus of this article is on the influence of heathenism on popular music, specifically on
Black Metal and Neofolk. These two genres, or more correctly scenes, are converging …
Black Metal and Neofolk. These two genres, or more correctly scenes, are converging …
[КНИГА][B] Schwermetallanalysen: Die musikalische Sprache des Heavy Metal
D Elflein - 2010 - degruyter.com
Das Erkenntnisinteresse liegt zum einen in der Analyse und Beschreibung der
musikalischen Sprache eines Stils populärer Musik. Zum anderen konzentriert sich das …
musikalischen Sprache eines Stils populärer Musik. Zum anderen konzentriert sich das …
Factory music: How the industrial geography and working-class environment of post-war Birmingham fostered the birth of heavy metal
LM Harrison - Journal of Social History, 2010 - muse.jhu.edu
Factory Music, based on original interdisciplinary research, is the first study into the
relationship between industrial geography and musical development. Today, heavy metal …
relationship between industrial geography and musical development. Today, heavy metal …
“The Fist in the Face of God” Heavy Metal Music and Decentralized Cultural Diffusion
A Mayer, JM Timberlake - Sociological Perspectives, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
The purpose of this paper is to explain the timing and location of the diffusion of heavy metal
music. We use data from an Internet archive to measure the population-adjusted rate of …
music. We use data from an Internet archive to measure the population-adjusted rate of …
Teaching intercultural competence through heavy metal music
D Guberman - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
What does it mean to teach intercultural competence? Do we need to travel to “other”
places? In what way does content need to reflect the traditions of “other” cultures? How can …
places? In what way does content need to reflect the traditions of “other” cultures? How can …
Gender and performance capital among local musicians
DL Miller - Qualitative Sociology, 2017 - Springer
This article extends Bourdieu's field theory to explain how learning spaces in the Toronto
folk and metal scenes create gendered access to a field-specific form of cultural capital …
folk and metal scenes create gendered access to a field-specific form of cultural capital …
When all is lost: thrash metal, dystopia, and ecopedagogy
PD Buckland - International Journal of Ethics Education, 2016 - Springer
Thrash metal songs have confronted listeners with socio-political problems since the genre
emerged in the 1980s. Its abrasive tone and dystopian language implicitly and explicitly …
emerged in the 1980s. Its abrasive tone and dystopian language implicitly and explicitly …
A pseudo-rebellion: Ujung Berung metalheads in the contestation of identity space in Bandung, 2010–22
Social segregation in Bandung, Indonesia, is the primary cause of stratification of youths in
the city's northern, southern and eastern regions. As a region filled with colonial legacy and …
the city's northern, southern and eastern regions. As a region filled with colonial legacy and …
[PDF][PDF] Heavy metal music in the Caribbean setting: Politics and language at the periphery
N Varas-Díaz, E Rivera-Segarra - Hardcore, Punk and other Junk …, 2014 - researchgate.net
Method In order to achieve the aim of our study, we implemented an ethnographic research
design with both observational and in-depth qualitative interview techniques. 19 We …
design with both observational and in-depth qualitative interview techniques. 19 We …
[КНИГА][B] Brutal Belonging: Affective Intensities In, and Between, Australia's and Japan's Grindcore Scenes
RT Overell - 2012 - minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au
My thesis examines the experience of affective belonging in the grindcore music scene.
Presenting an ethnography of how scene-members in Australia and Japan participate in …
Presenting an ethnography of how scene-members in Australia and Japan participate in …