[HTML][HTML] Perceptual soft end-effectors for future unmanned agriculture
W Ye, L Zhao, X Luo, J Guo, X Liu - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
As consumers demand ever-higher quality standards for agricultural products, the inspection
of such goods has become an integral component of the agricultural production process …
of such goods has become an integral component of the agricultural production process …
[PDF][PDF] 软体机械手研究综述
张进华, 王韬, 洪军, 王煜 - 机械工程学报, 2017 - scholar.archive.org
软体机械手(下面简称软体手) 是一种由柔性材料制成的新型机械装置. 凭借柔性材料天然的柔顺
性和适应性, 软体机械手具有了高灵活性, 复杂环境适应性和安全人机交互性等特点 …
性和适应性, 软体机械手具有了高灵活性, 复杂环境适应性和安全人机交互性等特点 …
Palpation force modulation strategies to identify hard regions in soft tissue organs
This paper presents experimental evidence for the existence of a set of unique force
modulation strategies during manual soft tissue palpation to locate hard abnormalities such …
modulation strategies during manual soft tissue palpation to locate hard abnormalities such …
Action augmentation of tactile perception for soft-body palpation
Medical palpation is a diagnostic technique in which physicians use the sense of touch to
manipulate the soft human tissue. This can be done to enable the diagnosis of possibly life …
manipulate the soft human tissue. This can be done to enable the diagnosis of possibly life …
A stiffness controllable multimodal whisker sensor follicle for texture comparison
Mammals like rats, who live in dark burrows, heavily depend on tactile perception obtained
through the vibrissal system to move through gaps and to discriminate textures. The …
through the vibrissal system to move through gaps and to discriminate textures. The …
Morphological computation in haptic sensation and interaction: from nature to robotics
Haptics, or the sense of touch, has played an important role in enhancing the versatility and
capabilities of robots. Tasks involving unstructured or changing environments can …
capabilities of robots. Tasks involving unstructured or changing environments can …
Structuring of tactile sensory information for category formation in robotics palpation
This paper proposes a framework to investigate the influence of physical interactions to
sensory information, during robotic palpation. We embed a capacitive tactile sensor on a …
sensory information, during robotic palpation. We embed a capacitive tactile sensor on a …
Review of soft-bodied manipulator
Soft-bodied manipulators are new type of mechanical devices mainly made of soft materials,
which possess the characteristics of high flexibility, good adaptation in complex environment …
which possess the characteristics of high flexibility, good adaptation in complex environment …
Conditioned haptic perception for 3D localization of nodules in soft tissue palpation with a variable stiffness probe
This paper provides a solution for fast haptic information gain during soft tissue palpation
using a Variable Lever Mechanism (VLM) probe. More specifically, we investigate the impact …
using a Variable Lever Mechanism (VLM) probe. More specifically, we investigate the impact …
Haptic Information Gain in Remote Soft Tissue Examination Using a Controllable Stiffness Robotic Probe
Technologies for remote physical examination of patients can transform disaster response
operations like Ebola or even to perform preliminary examinations of patients in remote …
operations like Ebola or even to perform preliminary examinations of patients in remote …