An overview on recent profile monitoring papers (2008–2018) based on conceptual classification scheme
Sometimes the quality of a process is best expressed by a relationship between response
variables and explanatory variables. Checking over the time the stability of such functional …
variables and explanatory variables. Checking over the time the stability of such functional …
Robust process capability indices for multiple linear profiles
In some statistical process control applications, the quality of a process is described by a
linear relationship between the response variable (s) and the independent variable (s) …
linear relationship between the response variable (s) and the independent variable (s) …
Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles
When a process is under statistical control, one is usually interested in evaluating process
performance based on specification limits (SLs) provided by customer. This evaluation is …
performance based on specification limits (SLs) provided by customer. This evaluation is …
A new incapability index for simple linear profile with asymmetric tolerances
A Pakzad, E Basiri - Quality Engineering, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Simple linear profiles (SLPs) are modeled by linear functional relationship between a
response variable and an explanatory variable. A number of process capability indices …
response variable and an explanatory variable. A number of process capability indices …
Comparative study of the Cp and Spmk indices for logistic regression profile using different link functions
In some process control applications, the quality of a process or a product can be
characterized by a relationship between a response variable and one or more independent …
characterized by a relationship between a response variable and one or more independent …
Process capability analysis for multivariate simple linear profiles in a multistage process
S Adibfar, R Noorossana, O Ahmadi - Journal of Industrial and Systems …, 2023 - jise.ir
Process capability indices (PCIs) are developed to assess process performance based on
the specification limits (SLs) provided by customer. Sometimes the quality of a process or …
the specification limits (SLs) provided by customer. Sometimes the quality of a process or …
Process capability index for Poisson regression profile based on the Spmk index
In many process control applications, the quality of a process or a product can be
characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more …
characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more …
Using the profile capability indices as health measures: a simulation study on human blood pressure
A Nemati, S Mehrdoost - Scientia Iranica, 2023 - scientiairanica.sharif.edu
In the multivariate statistical process control literature, the profile is a function or curve
representing the relation between two or more variables. Several types of complicated …
representing the relation between two or more variables. Several types of complicated …
Functional process capability indices for a simple linear profile in fuzzy environment
In some practical applications, the quality of a process or a product is characterized by a
relationship, namely a profile between a response variable and one or more explanatory …
relationship, namely a profile between a response variable and one or more explanatory …
On some subtle misconceptions about process capability indices
MZ Anis, M Tahir - The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing …, 2016 - Springer
This paper describes some of the misconceptions about existing process capability indices
(PCIs). Attention has been drawn to their drawbacks. It is shown that the indices have failed …
(PCIs). Attention has been drawn to their drawbacks. It is shown that the indices have failed …