Interaction of nanoplastics with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the aquatic environment: A special reference to eco-corona formation and associated …
M Junaid, J Wang - Water research, 2021 - Elsevier
Nanoplastics (NPs) are plastic particles with sizes ranging between 1 and 1000 nm,
exhibiting exceptional qualities such as large surface area, lightweight, durability; therefore …
exhibiting exceptional qualities such as large surface area, lightweight, durability; therefore …
From surface water to the deep sea: a review on factors affecting the biodegradation of spilled oil in marine environment
Over the past century, the demand for petroleum products has increased rapidly, leading to
higher oil extraction, processing and transportation, which result in numerous oil spills in …
higher oil extraction, processing and transportation, which result in numerous oil spills in …
Nano-and microplastics trigger secretion of protein-rich extracellular polymeric substances from phytoplankton
The substantial increase in plastic pollution in marine ecosystems raises concerns about its
adverse impacts on the microbial community. Microorganisms (bacteria, phytoplankton) are …
adverse impacts on the microbial community. Microorganisms (bacteria, phytoplankton) are …
Can the protein/carbohydrate (P/C) ratio of exopolymeric substances (EPS) be used as a proxy for their 'stickiness' and aggregation propensity?
Microbially secreted exopolymeric substances (EPS), rich in polysaccharides and proteins,
make up an important part of natural organic matter in the ocean, especially marine snow …
make up an important part of natural organic matter in the ocean, especially marine snow …
Marine phytoplankton responses to oil and dispersant exposures: Knowledge gained since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Abstract The Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 brought the ecology and health of the Gulf
of Mexico to the forefront of the public's and scientific community's attention. Not only did we …
of Mexico to the forefront of the public's and scientific community's attention. Not only did we …
Revealing changes in the microbiome of Symbiodiniaceae under thermal stress
Symbiodiniaceae are a diverse family of marine dinoflagellates, well known as coral
endosymbionts. Isolation and in vitro culture of Symbiodiniaceae strains for physiological …
endosymbionts. Isolation and in vitro culture of Symbiodiniaceae strains for physiological …
Microbial, physical, and chemical changes in Galveston Bay following an extreme flooding event, Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey (category four storm) made landfall along the coast of Texas (United
States) and then stalled out over Texas and Louisiana, releasing 1.29× 1011 m3 of …
States) and then stalled out over Texas and Louisiana, releasing 1.29× 1011 m3 of …
The science behind marine-oil snow and MOSSFA: past, present, and future
Abstract The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrated that oil in
the water column may be transported from surface waters to the sediments via marine snow …
the water column may be transported from surface waters to the sediments via marine snow …
The in-situ release of algal bloom populations and the role of prokaryotic communities in their establishment and growth
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) may quickly travel and inoculate new water bodies via currents
and runoff in estuaries. The role of in-situ prokaryotic communities in the re-establishment …
and runoff in estuaries. The role of in-situ prokaryotic communities in the re-establishment …
Nano-plastics induce aquatic particulate organic matter (microgels) formation
The pervasive presence of plastic waste in the aquatic environment is widely viewed as one
of the most serious environmental challenges for current and future generations …
of the most serious environmental challenges for current and future generations …