Icebergs melting
Iceberg calving accounts for half of the mass discharge from the Greenland and Antarctic ice
sheets, which has increased dramatically over the last two decades. Through their …
sheets, which has increased dramatically over the last two decades. Through their …
An overview of interactions and feedbacks between ice sheets and the Earth system
Ice sheet response to forced changes—such as that from anthropogenic climate forcing—is
closely regulated by two‐way interactions with other components of the Earth system. These …
closely regulated by two‐way interactions with other components of the Earth system. These …
Ubiquitous acceleration in Greenland Ice Sheet calving from 1985 to 2022
Nearly every glacier in Greenland has thinned or retreated over the past few decades,,–,
leading to glacier acceleration, increased rates of sea-level rise and climate impacts around …
leading to glacier acceleration, increased rates of sea-level rise and climate impacts around …
Land ice freshwater budget of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans: 1. Data, methods, and results
The freshwater budget of the Arctic and sub‐polar North Atlantic Oceans has been changing
due, primarily, to increased river runoff, declining sea ice and enhanced melting of Arctic …
due, primarily, to increased river runoff, declining sea ice and enhanced melting of Arctic …
[HTML][HTML] Greenland liquid water discharge from 1958 through 2019
Greenland runoff, from ice mass loss and increasing rainfall, is increasing. That runoff, as
discharge, impacts the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the adjacent fjords …
discharge, impacts the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the adjacent fjords …
Future evolution of Greenland's marine‐terminating outlet glaciers
Mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) has increased over the last two decades in
response to changes in global climate, motivating the scientific community to question how …
response to changes in global climate, motivating the scientific community to question how …
Automated detection and tracking of medium-large icebergs from Sentinel-1 imagery using Google Earth Engine
Monitoring Antarctic icebergs helps us understand the interaction between ocean,
atmosphere, and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. Although gigantic icebergs have been the …
atmosphere, and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. Although gigantic icebergs have been the …
Effect of near‐terminus subglacial hydrology on tidewater glacier submarine melt rates
Submarine melting of Greenlandic tidewater glacier termini is proposed as a possible
mechanism driving their recent thinning and retreat. We use a general circulation model …
mechanism driving their recent thinning and retreat. We use a general circulation model …
Subsurface iceberg melt key to Greenland fjord freshwater budget
Liquid freshwater fluxes from the Greenland ice sheet affect ocean water properties and
circulation on local, regional and basin-wide scales, with associated biosphere effects. The …
circulation on local, regional and basin-wide scales, with associated biosphere effects. The …
Subglacial discharge reflux and buoyancy forcing drive seasonality in a silled glacial fjord
Fjords are conduits for heat and mass exchange between tidewater glaciers and the coastal
ocean, and thus regulate near‐glacier water properties and submarine melting of glaciers …
ocean, and thus regulate near‐glacier water properties and submarine melting of glaciers …