Improving teachers' pedagogical and instructional practice through action research: Potential and problems
This conceptual paper reviews the extant literature on action research/teacher led inquiry
and answers the question: How and in what circumstances can action research improve …
and answers the question: How and in what circumstances can action research improve …
The ecological impact of action research on language teacher development: A review of the literature
Action Research is now frequently practiced and promoted as a form of continuing
professional development for language teachers, with recent studies reporting many …
professional development for language teachers, with recent studies reporting many …
Development of professional learning communities through action research: understanding professional learning in practice
P Johannesson - Educational Action Research, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores professional learning as teachers engage in action research to improve
their practices. Despite many contributions on professional learning communities and their …
their practices. Despite many contributions on professional learning communities and their …
[ספר][B] Sustaining action research: A practical guide for institutional engagement
This book is a practical guide for English language teachers and teacher educators seeking
to carry out and promote teacher action research within their institutional context. Based on …
to carry out and promote teacher action research within their institutional context. Based on …
Teaching and learning intervention in the educational setting: adapting the teacher theory model
The study aims to examine the teaching and learning intervention in the educational setting
as implemented in terms of student interest, learning reflection, direct instruction, learning …
as implemented in terms of student interest, learning reflection, direct instruction, learning …
Uncovering 'unwelcome truths' through student voice: Teacher inquiry into agency and student assessment literacy
Learner agency is often seen unproblematically as an integral aspect of 'twenty-first century
lifelong learning'. Agency and instrumentalist forms of teacher professional development are …
lifelong learning'. Agency and instrumentalist forms of teacher professional development are …
Teacher-led professional development through a model of action research, collaboration and facilitation
This article addresses the need for 'coherent, holistic frameworks offering insightful
understandings as well as viable, connected and synergistic solutions to schools'. We …
understandings as well as viable, connected and synergistic solutions to schools'. We …
Transforming professional learning: Educational action research in practice
This article seeks to extend current understandings of educational action research,
particularly how teachers' actions, talk and ongoing relatings can serve as a vehicle for …
particularly how teachers' actions, talk and ongoing relatings can serve as a vehicle for …
Student voice in school reform? Desiring simultaneous critique and affirmation
While 'student voice'is advocated as a means for school reform, studies of its enactment
have noted how student voice can become a technology of governance. This article works …
have noted how student voice can become a technology of governance. This article works …
Teachers' orientations to educational research and data in England and Australia: Implications for teacher professionalism
Teachers' engagement with and understanding of educational research and data is an
increasing concern for policy-makers around the globe. With unprecedented access to, and …
increasing concern for policy-makers around the globe. With unprecedented access to, and …