Metasurfaces for quantum photonics
Rapid progress in the development of metamaterials and metaphotonics allowed bulky
optical assemblies to be replaced with thin nanostructured films, often called metasurfaces …
optical assemblies to be replaced with thin nanostructured films, often called metasurfaces …
Colloquium: Understanding quantum weak values: Basics and applications
Since its introduction 25 years ago, the quantum weak value has gradually transitioned from
a theoretical curiosity to a practical laboratory tool. While its utility is apparent in the recent …
a theoretical curiosity to a practical laboratory tool. While its utility is apparent in the recent …
Direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction
The wavefunction is the complex distribution used to completely describe a quantum system,
and is central to quantum theory. But despite its fundamental role, it is typically introduced as …
and is central to quantum theory. But despite its fundamental role, it is typically introduced as …
Observing the average trajectories of single photons in a two-slit interferometer
A consequence of the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is that one may not discuss
the path or “trajectory” that a quantum particle takes, because any measurement of position …
the path or “trajectory” that a quantum particle takes, because any measurement of position …
Reference frames, superselection rules, and quantum information
Recently, there has been much interest in a new kind of “unspeakable” quantum information
that stands to regular quantum information in the same way that a direction in space or a …
that stands to regular quantum information in the same way that a direction in space or a …
Ultrasensitive beam deflection measurement via interferometric weak value amplification
We report on the use of an interferometric weak value technique to amplify very small
transverse deflections of an optical beam. By entangling the beam's transverse degrees of …
transverse deflections of an optical beam. By entangling the beam's transverse degrees of …
Metasurface-assisted quantum nonlocal weak-measurement microscopy
In standard quantum weak measurements, preselection and postselection of quantum states
are implemented in the same photon. Here we go beyond this restrictive setting and …
are implemented in the same photon. Here we go beyond this restrictive setting and …
Experimental quantum computing without entanglement
Deterministic quantum computation with one pure qubit (DQC1) is an efficient model of
computation that uses highly mixed states. Unlike pure-state models, its power is not derived …
computation that uses highly mixed states. Unlike pure-state models, its power is not derived …
Procedure for direct measurement of general quantum states using weak measurement
Recent work by Lundeen et al.[Nature (London) 474, 188 (2011) NATUAS 0028-0836
10.1038/nature10120] directly measured the wave function by weakly measuring a variable …
10.1038/nature10120] directly measured the wave function by weakly measuring a variable …
Nonperturbative theory of weak pre-and post-selected measurements
This paper starts with a brief review of the topic of strong and weak pre-and post-selected
(PPS) quantum measurements, as well as weak values, and afterwards presents original …
(PPS) quantum measurements, as well as weak values, and afterwards presents original …