Pengaruh green product terhadap minat pembelian ulang (studi pada produk lampu LED merek philips)
AR Al Lathifah, DA Widyastuti - Journal of Entrepreneurship …, 2018 -
The purpose of this research is to examine the Philips LED lamp product known as Green
Product and intention in the purchase of the product. Sampling method using Accidental …
Product and intention in the purchase of the product. Sampling method using Accidental …
Rancang Bangun Lampu Otomatis Menggunakan Sensor Cahaya Berbasis Arduino Di Polres Pematangsiantar
A Lights are one of the basic needs in everyday life, both in household life, offices, and
others, especially at the Pematangsiantar Police Station. In line with the rapid development …
others, especially at the Pematangsiantar Police Station. In line with the rapid development …
Work safety aspects using a participatory ergonomic approach
The problem that we often encounter in the workplace is work accidents. It is fatal in work
and frequently ignored by workers and company owners, especially small and medium …
and frequently ignored by workers and company owners, especially small and medium …
Analisis Hubungan Sistem Pencahayaan dengan Kelelahan Mata pada Pegawai Perkantoran
Lighting is one of the potential hazards and included in physical factors. If the quality of
lighting in a room is not up to standard, it will be at risk to affect the comfort and safety of …
lighting in a room is not up to standard, it will be at risk to affect the comfort and safety of …
The Effect Of Source Voltage Fluctuation on Ilumination Decrease In Bandles, Led Lights, and Energy Saving Lights
The fluctuating source voltage causes the distributed voltage not to have a nominal value of
220V and affects the characteristics of the lighting. In this study, observations were made on …
220V and affects the characteristics of the lighting. In this study, observations were made on …
Prototype Alat Pembuka Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Pendeteksi Masker Dengan Arduino
Saat pandemi covid-19 masih banyak masyarakat yang tidak menggunakan masker di
tempat publik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat prototype alat untuk …
tempat publik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat prototype alat untuk …
Analysis for the feasibility of portable biodigester to produce household scale energy
Indonesian Government concerns on energy security and independency as driven factors
for National development. Some policies had issued to support findings about Potentials of …
for National development. Some policies had issued to support findings about Potentials of …
[PDF][PDF] Rancang Bangun Direct Online Pembalik Putaran Motor Induksi Putaran Rendah Gearbox
Modul pengasutan pembalik putaran motor induksi putaran rendah ini dibuat menjadi alat
praktikum yang dapat digunakan pada mata kuliah instalasi listrik industri dan proteksi …
praktikum yang dapat digunakan pada mata kuliah instalasi listrik industri dan proteksi …
LAFLA Faturrahman, APUAP Utomo… - Aisyah Journal Of …, 2025 -
Penerangan rumah tangga memegang peranan penting dalam pengelolaan energi karena
kontribusinya yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan energi. Banyak orang belum …
kontribusinya yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan energi. Banyak orang belum …
Prototipe Sistem Pompa Air Tenaga Surya dengan Monitoring Tegangan Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)
A Habibillah, A Ma'arif - Buletin Ilmiah Sarjana Teknik Elektro, 2021 -
Several types of alternative energy are geothermal, biogas, wind energy, micro hydro and
solar energy. Among these alternative energies, solar energy is the most potential energy to …
solar energy. Among these alternative energies, solar energy is the most potential energy to …