Dynamic environmental interactions shaped by vegetative plant volatiles

R Escobar-Bravo, PA Lin, JM Waterman… - Natural product reports, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Covering: up to November 2022 Plants shape terrestrial ecosystems through physical and
chemical interactions. Plant-derived volatile organic compounds in particular influence the …

Tropospheric ozone and its natural precursors impacted by climatic changes in emission and dynamics

S Dewan, A Lakhani - Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Climate change plus ozone pollution is a lethal combination that adversely affects human
health, agriculture productivity, ecosystems, and the world economy. Currently, there is a …

Local Arctic air pollution: A neglected but serious problem

J Schmale, SR Arnold, KS Law, T Thorp… - Earth's …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Air pollution in the Arctic caused by local emission sources is a challenge that is important
but often overlooked. Local Arctic air pollution can be severe and significantly exceed air …

High temperature sensitivity of Arctic isoprene emissions explained by sedges

H Wang, AM Welch, S Nagalingam, C Leong… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
It has been widely reported that isoprene emissions from the Arctic ecosystem have a strong
temperature response. Here we identify sedges (Carex spp. and Eriophorum spp.) as key …

Large increases in Arctic biogenic volatile emissions are a direct effect of warming

M Kramshøj, I Vedel-Petersen, M Schollert… - Nature …, 2016 - nature.com
Biogenic volatile organic compounds are reactive gases that can contribute to atmospheric
aerosol formation. Their emission from vegetation is dependent on temperature and light …

Volatile organic compound emissions in the changing Arctic

R Rinnan - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2024 - annualreviews.org
Arctic ecosystems have long been thought to be minimal sources of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere because of their low plant biomass and cold …

Biological and chemical diversity of biogenic volatile organic emissions into the atmosphere

A Guenther - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) emitted by terrestrial ecosystems into the
atmosphere play an important role in determining atmospheric constituents including the …

[HTML][HTML] Interactions between the atmosphere, cryosphere, and ecosystems at northern high latitudes

M Boy, ES Thomson, JC Acosta Navarro… - Atmospheric …, 2019 - acp.copernicus.org
The Nordic Centre of Excellence CRAICC (Cryosphere–Atmosphere Interactions in a
Changing Arctic Climate), funded by NordForsk in the years 2011–2016, is the largest joint …

Origin of volatile organic compound emissions from subarctic tundra under global warming

A Ghirardo, F Lindstein, K Koch, F Buegger… - Global Change …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Warming occurs in the Arctic twice as fast as the global average, which in turn leads to a
large enhancement in terpenoid emissions from vegetation. Volatile terpenoids are the main …

Separating direct and indirect effects of rising temperatures on biogenic volatile emissions in the Arctic

R Rinnan, LL Iversen, J Tang, I Vedel-Petersen… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - pnas.org
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released from biogenic sources in a temperature-
dependent manner. Consequently, Arctic ecosystems are expected to greatly increase their …