Stress and well-being at work.
MA Griffin, S Clarke - 2011 - psycnet.apa.org
Stress is the single most common reason given for absence from work in the United
Kingdom, and one in six Americans report they are “extremely” stressed. However, the …
Kingdom, and one in six Americans report they are “extremely” stressed. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] Psychosocial work environment and teachers' psychological well-being: The moderating role of job control and social support
Nowadays, the issue of teachers' psychological well-being causes serious concern,
especially in Malaysia. Many studies related to psychological well-being have focused on …
especially in Malaysia. Many studies related to psychological well-being have focused on …
[KNYGA][B] Work motivation in organizational behavior
CC Pinder - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This second edition of the best-selling textbook on Work Motivation in Organizational
Behavior provides an update of the critical analysis of the scientific literature on this topic …
Behavior provides an update of the critical analysis of the scientific literature on this topic …
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, organizational context, employee contentment, job satisfaction, performance and intention to stay
I Mardanov - Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of the present study is to examine the determinants of employee
contentment and its effects on job satisfaction, separation and performance; define …
contentment and its effects on job satisfaction, separation and performance; define …
[PDF][PDF] Los procesos de estrés laboral y desgaste profesional (burnout): diferenciación, actualización y líneas de intervención
R Rodríguez Carvajal… - Medicina y seguridad del …, 2011 - SciELO Espana
El escenario laboral actual marcado por la globalidad y la inestabilidad genera unas
condiciones que hace que muchos profesionales experimenten frustración y un alto nivel de …
condiciones que hace que muchos profesionales experimenten frustración y un alto nivel de …
The role of work in psychological health and well-being: a conceptual, historical, and public policy perspective.
DL Blustein - American psychologist, 2008 - psycnet.apa.org
The primary theme of this article, which serves as the introductory contribution of a special
section of the American Psychologist, is that work plays a central role in the development …
section of the American Psychologist, is that work plays a central role in the development …
Well-being in the workplace through interaction between individual characteristics and organizational context
Well-being in the workplace is considered by many authors to be the outcome of the
interaction between individual characteristics and those of the working and organizational …
interaction between individual characteristics and those of the working and organizational …
Transformational leadership and personal outcomes: empowerment as mediator
VR Krishnan - Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2012 - emerald.com
Purpose–Creating and maintaining sustainable businesses require an understanding of the
role of leadership in enhancing personal outcomes of employees, and of the processes by …
role of leadership in enhancing personal outcomes of employees, and of the processes by …
Test of a social cognitive model of work satisfaction in teachers
Lent and Brown [Lent, RW, & Brown, SD (2006). Integrating person and situation
perspectives on work satisfaction: A social-cognitive view. Journal of Vocational Behavior …
perspectives on work satisfaction: A social-cognitive view. Journal of Vocational Behavior …
Using goal facilitation theory to explain the relationships between calling and organization-directed citizenship behavior and job satisfaction
Despite an increase in research on calling, few studies have examined how calling
influences overt workplace behaviors and job satisfaction. Drawing on goal facilitation …
influences overt workplace behaviors and job satisfaction. Drawing on goal facilitation …