Optoelectronic enhancement of ZnO/p-Si Schottky barrier photodiodes by (Sn, Ti) co-do**
In this study, metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) ZnO-based Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs)
were fabricated on the basis of titanium-doped tin–zinc oxide (SZT) films by sol–gel spin …
were fabricated on the basis of titanium-doped tin–zinc oxide (SZT) films by sol–gel spin …
Graphene controlled organic photodetectors
Drop casting deposition technique was used to fabricate graphene oxide doped methylene
blue (GO doped MB) photodiode, Al/p-Si/GO doped MB/Au. The effects of illumination on the …
blue (GO doped MB) photodiode, Al/p-Si/GO doped MB/Au. The effects of illumination on the …
Structural, optical, and electrical characterizations of Cr-doped CuO thin films
The polycrystalline copper oxide (CuO) thin films have been produced using the method of
spin coating on the soda–lime glass (SLG) as well as the substrate of p-type Si (1 0 0) …
spin coating on the soda–lime glass (SLG) as well as the substrate of p-type Si (1 0 0) …
Photosensing performances of the green synthesized ZnO micro/nanorods using different parts of the Lupinus pilosus: a comparative study
Abstract Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) can be synthesized chemically, physically, and
biologically. The biological method is deemed to be the cleanest and safest of all the …
biologically. The biological method is deemed to be the cleanest and safest of all the …
Single crystal ruthenium (II) complex dye based photodiode
The electrical and photoresponse properties of Ruthenium (II) complex dye based on
photodiode were analyzed by current, capacitance and conductance measurements …
photodiode were analyzed by current, capacitance and conductance measurements …
Photodiode and photocapacitor properties of Au/CdTe/p-Si/Al device
The electrical and photoconductivity properties of CdTe on p-type silicon photodiode were
investigated by current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance time (C–t) measurements. The current …
investigated by current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance time (C–t) measurements. The current …
The effect of Fe dopant on structural, optical properties of TiO2 thin films and electrical performance of TiO2 based photodiode
Herein, TiO 2 heterojunctions were fabricated by sol gel spin coating technique as a function
of Fe do**. The effect of Fe do** on the optical, structural, morphological properties of …
of Fe do**. The effect of Fe do** on the optical, structural, morphological properties of …
Fabrication and characterization of solution processed Al/Sn: ZnO/p-Si photodiodes
This study describes the deposition of ZnO thin films with various Sn do** concentration
by a solution-based spin coating method. The effect of Sn do** on structural ZnO thin films …
by a solution-based spin coating method. The effect of Sn do** on structural ZnO thin films …
Electrical and photoresponse properties of Al/graphene oxide doped NiO nanocomposite/p-Si/Al photodiodes
NM Khusayfan - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016 - Elsevier
The electrical and photoconducting properties of Al/graphene oxide doped NiO
nanocomposite/p-Si/Al photodiodes with various graphene oxide contents were investigated …
nanocomposite/p-Si/Al photodiodes with various graphene oxide contents were investigated …
Optoelectronic characterization of Bi-doped ZnO nanocomposites for Schottky interlayer applications
A Demirci, HG Çetinkaya, P Durmuş… - Physica B: Condensed …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, Bi doped ZnO (Bi: ZnO) nanocomposites mixed with different weight-
percentages (0.1, 0.3, 0.5% Bi) content were coated on the p-Si wafer via spin-coating …
percentages (0.1, 0.3, 0.5% Bi) content were coated on the p-Si wafer via spin-coating …