Seeking the soul of democracy: A review of recent research into citizens' political talk culture
R Schmitt‐Beck, O Lup - Swiss Political Science Review, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This article provides a review of extant empirical research on ordinary citizens' everyday
political communication, its phenomenology, determinants, consequences, and relevance …
political communication, its phenomenology, determinants, consequences, and relevance …
Artificial intelligence and the public arena
The public arena relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to ever greater degrees. Media
structures hosting the public arena—such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube …
structures hosting the public arena—such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube …
[BOK][B] Scales of justice: Reimagining political space in a globalizing world
N Fraser - 2009 - books.google.com
Until recently, struggles for justice proceeded against the background of a taken-for-granted
frame: the bounded territorial state. With that" Westphalian" picture of political space …
frame: the bounded territorial state. With that" Westphalian" picture of political space …
Transnationalizing the public sphere: On the legitimacy and efficacy of public opinion in a post-Westphalian world
N Fraser - Habermas and Law, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter explicates the implicit Westphalian presuppositions of Jurgen Habermas's
public sphere theory and examines that these have persisted in its major feminist, anti-racist …
public sphere theory and examines that these have persisted in its major feminist, anti-racist …
User comments: Motives and inhibitors to write and read
N Springer, I Engelmann… - … , Communication & Society, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
User comments allow 'annotative reporting'by embedding users' viewpoints within an
article's context, providing readers with additional information to form opinions, which can …
article's context, providing readers with additional information to form opinions, which can …
Is the internet a better public sphere? Comparing old and new media in the USA and Germany
Normative theorists of the public sphere, such as Jürgen Habermas, have been very critical
of the 'old'mass media, which were seen as unable to promote free and plural societal …
of the 'old'mass media, which were seen as unable to promote free and plural societal …
[BOK][B] Media practices and protest politics: How precarious workers mobilise
A Mattoni - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
How do precarious workers employed in call-centres, universities, the fashion industry and
many other labour markets organise, struggle and communicate to become recognised …
many other labour markets organise, struggle and communicate to become recognised …
[BOK][B] Escalas de justicia
N Fraser - 2012 - books.google.com
Hasta hace poco, las luchas por la justicia tenían lugar con el trasfondo de un marco que se
daba por supuesto: el Estado territorialmente delimitado. Con esta imagen" westfaliana" del …
daba por supuesto: el Estado territorialmente delimitado. Con esta imagen" westfaliana" del …
Internet und Protest. Zum Wandel von Organisationsformen und Handlungsrepertoires–Ein Überblick
S Baringhorst - Internet und Partizipation: Bottom-up oder Top-down …, 2014 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Arabellion–Ausdruck der Macht digitaler sozialen Netzwerke? Das Jahr
2011 war ein Jahr weltweiter politischer Proteste: Hatten Autoren wie Francis Fukuyama die …
2011 war ein Jahr weltweiter politischer Proteste: Hatten Autoren wie Francis Fukuyama die …
Digital transformations and the ideological formation of the public sphere: Hegemonic, populist, or popular communication?
S Sevignani - Theory, Culture & Society, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper elaborates on a theory of the ideological public sphere in the age of digital
media. It describes the public sphere as an initially ascending and then descending …
media. It describes the public sphere as an initially ascending and then descending …