[HTML][HTML] Determinants and outcomes of mitochondrial dynamics

R Quintana-Cabrera, L Scorrano - Molecular Cell, 2023‏ - cell.com
Mitochondria are not only central organelles in metabolism and energy conversion but are
also platforms for cellular signaling cascades. Classically, the shape and ultrastructure of …

Mechanisms of mitochondrial respiratory adaptation

CF Bennett, P Latorre-Muro, P Puigserver - Nature Reviews Molecular …, 2022‏ - nature.com
Mitochondrial energetic adaptations encompass a plethora of conserved processes that
maintain cell and organismal fitness and survival in the changing environment by adjusting …

StayGold variants for molecular fusion and membrane-targeting applications

R Ando, S Shimozono, H Ago, M Takagi, M Sugiyama… - Nature …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Although StayGold is a bright and highly photostable fluorescent protein, its propensity for
obligate dimer formation may hinder applications in molecular fusion and membrane …

Cellular ATP demand creates metabolically distinct subpopulations of mitochondria

KW Ryu, TS Fung, DC Baker, M Saoi, J Park… - Nature, 2024‏ - nature.com
Mitochondria serve a crucial role in cell growth and proliferation by supporting both ATP
synthesis and the production of macromolecular precursors. Whereas oxidative …

Lysosomes drive the piecemeal removal of mitochondrial inner membrane

A Prashar, C Bussi, A Fearns, MI Capurro, X Gao… - Nature, 2024‏ - nature.com
Mitochondrial membranes define distinct structural and functional compartments. Cristae of
the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) function as independent bioenergetic units that …

Multi-color live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondria with a gentle inner membrane stain

T Liu, T Stephan, P Chen, J Keller-Findeisen… - Proceedings of the …, 2022‏ - pnas.org
Capturing mitochondria's intricate and dynamic structure poses a daunting challenge for
optical nanoscopy. Different labeling strategies have been demonstrated for live-cell …

Dna-paint minflux nanoscopy

LM Ostersehlt, DC Jans, A Wittek, J Keller-Findeisen… - Nature …, 2022‏ - nature.com
MINimal fluorescence photon FLUXes (MINFLUX) nanoscopy, providing photon-efficient
fluorophore localizations, has brought about three-dimensional resolution at nanometer …

Glaucomatous optic neuropathy: Mitochondrial dynamics, dysfunction and protection in retinal ganglion cells

WK Ju, GA Perkins, KY Kim, T Bastola, WY Choi… - Progress in retinal and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and is characterized by a
slow, progressive, and multifactorial degeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their …

Three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy with enhanced axial resolution

X Li, Y Wu, Y Su, I Rey-Suarez, C Matthaeus… - Nature …, 2023‏ - nature.com
The axial resolution of three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy (3D SIM) is
limited to∼ 300 nm. Here we present two distinct, complementary methods to improve axial …

Mitochondrial structure and function in human heart failure

A Hinton Jr, SM Claypool, K Neikirk, N Senoo… - Circulation …, 2024‏ - ahajournals.org
Despite clinical and scientific advancements, heart failure is the major cause of morbidity
and mortality worldwide. Both mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation contribute to the …