Collective behavior of earthquakes and faults: Continuum‐discrete transitions, progressive evolutionary changes, and different dynamic regimes
Y Ben‐Zion - Reviews of Geophysics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Crustal deformation patterns are affected by multiscale granulation and healing processes
associated with phase transitions between continuum and discrete states of rocks. The …
associated with phase transitions between continuum and discrete states of rocks. The …
Modeling and prediction of aftershock activity
We provide an overview of the basic models of the aftershock processes and advanced
methods used to predict postseismic hazard. We consider both the physical mechanisms for …
methods used to predict postseismic hazard. We consider both the physical mechanisms for …
Effects of aftershocks on peak ductility demand due to strong ground motion records from shallow crustal earthquakes
K Goda, CA Taylor - Earthquake Engineering & Structural …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Aftershocks induced by a large mainshock can cause additional damage to structures and
infrastructure, hampering building reoccupation and restoration activities in a post‐disaster …
infrastructure, hampering building reoccupation and restoration activities in a post‐disaster …
Common dependence on stress for the two fundamental laws of statistical seismology
Two of the long-standing relationships of statistical seismology are power laws: the
Gutenberg–Richter relation describing the earthquake frequency–magnitude distribution …
Gutenberg–Richter relation describing the earthquake frequency–magnitude distribution …
Nonlinear response potential of mainshock–aftershock sequences from Japanese earthquakes
K Goda - Bulletin of the seismological Society of America, 2012 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A large mainshock triggers numerous aftershocks, exposing evacuees and residents to
significant risk and hampering building reoccupation and restoration activities in a post …
significant risk and hampering building reoccupation and restoration activities in a post …
Analysis of the completeness magnitude and seismic network coverage of Japan
Abstract<? A3B2 twb 0.3 w?> A reliable estimate of completeness magnitude, M c, above
which all earthquakes are considered to be detected by a seismic network, is vital for …
which all earthquakes are considered to be detected by a seismic network, is vital for …
Omori-Utsu Law c-Values Associated with Recent Moderate Earthquakes in Japan
We investigate the early aftershock activity associated with four moderate earthquakes (M w
6.6–6.7) that occurred recently in Japan. For each aftershock sequence, we examine …
6.6–6.7) that occurred recently in Japan. For each aftershock sequence, we examine …
Generalized Omori–Utsu law for aftershock sequences in southern California
We investigate the validity of a proposed generalized Omori–Utsu law for the aftershock
sequences for the Landers, Hector Mine, Northridge and Superstition Hills earthquakes, the …
sequences for the Landers, Hector Mine, Northridge and Superstition Hills earthquakes, the …
Self-similar aftershock rates
In many important systems exhibiting crackling noise—an intermittent avalanchelike
relaxation response with power-law and, thus, self-similar distributed event sizes—the “laws” …
relaxation response with power-law and, thus, self-similar distributed event sizes—the “laws” …
Earthquake detection capability of the Swiss Seismic Network
A reliable estimate of completeness magnitudes is vital for many seismicity-and hazard-
related studies. Here we adopted and further developed the Probability-based Magnitude of …
related studies. Here we adopted and further developed the Probability-based Magnitude of …