[KNIHA][B] Permutation groups
PJ Cameron - 1999 - books.google.com
Permutation groups are one of the oldest topics in algebra. Their study has recently been
revolutionized by new developments, particularly the Classification of Finite Simple Groups …
revolutionized by new developments, particularly the Classification of Finite Simple Groups …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of homogeneous structures
D Macpherson - Discrete mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
A relational first order structure is homogeneous if it is countable (possibly finite) and every
isomorphism between finite substructures extends to an automorphism. This article is a …
isomorphism between finite substructures extends to an automorphism. This article is a …
[KNIHA][B] Topics in graph automorphisms and reconstruction
J Lauri, R Scapellato - 2016 - books.google.com
This in-depth coverage of important areas of graph theory maintains a focus on symmetry
properties of graphs. Standard topics on graph automorphisms are presented early on, while …
properties of graphs. Standard topics on graph automorphisms are presented early on, while …
Some general results in combinatorial enumeration
M Klazar - Permutation patterns, 2010 - books.google.com
This survey article is devoted to general results in combinatorial enumeration. The first part
surveys results on growth of hereditary properties of combinatorial structures. These include …
surveys results on growth of hereditary properties of combinatorial structures. These include …
Applications of well quasi-ordering and better quasi-ordering
M Pouzet - Graphs and Order: The Role of Graphs in the Theory of …, 1985 - Springer
The aim of this lecture is to survey some of the striking applications of the theory of well
quasi-order (wqo) and better quasi-order (bqo) and to illustrate with examples how one can …
quasi-order (wqo) and better quasi-order (bqo) and to illustrate with examples how one can …
Some relational structures with polynomial growth and their associated algebras I: Quasi-polynomiality of the profile
The profile of a relational structure $ R $ is the function $\varphi_R $ which counts for every
integer $ n $ the number $\varphi_R (n) $, possibly infinite, of substructures of $ R $ induced …
integer $ n $ the number $\varphi_R (n) $, possibly infinite, of substructures of $ R $ induced …
The profile of relations
M Pouzet - arxiv preprint math/0703211, 2007 - arxiv.org
The {\it profile} of a relational structure $ R $ is the function $\phi_R $ which counts for every
integer $ n $ the number of its $ n $-element substructures up to an isomorphism. Many …
integer $ n $ the number of its $ n $-element substructures up to an isomorphism. Many …
[HTML][HTML] The morphology of infinite tournaments; application to the growth of their profile
Y Boudabbous, M Pouzet - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010 - Elsevier
A tournament is acyclically indecomposable if no acyclic autonomous set of vertices has
more than one element. We identify twelve infinite acyclically indecomposable tournaments …
more than one element. We identify twelve infinite acyclically indecomposable tournaments …
Sperner properties for groups and relations
M Pouzet, IG Rosenberg - European Journal of Combinatorics, 1986 - Elsevier
An equivalence on the family of subsets of an e-element set E is hereditary if| a|=| b| and| x
{⊆ a: x∼}|=| x {⊆ b: x∼}| whenever a, b, c,⊂ E and a˜ b. Let W i˜ denote the number of …
{⊆ a: x∼}|=| x {⊆ b: x∼}| whenever a, b, c,⊂ E and a˜ b. Let W i˜ denote the number of …
Sur l'\'enum\'eration de structures discr\etes, une approche par la th\'eorie des relations
D Oudrar - arxiv preprint arxiv:1604.05839, 2016 - arxiv.org
Ce travail s' inscrit dans le cadre de la théorie des relations. Il porte sur l'énumération des
structures finies. Etant donnée une classe C de structures combinatoires finies, le profil de C …
structures finies. Etant donnée une classe C de structures combinatoires finies, le profil de C …