Assessing mass incarceration's effects on families
In this Review, we assess how mass incarceration, a monumental American policy
experiment, has affected families over the past five decades. We reach four conclusions …
experiment, has affected families over the past five decades. We reach four conclusions …
Getting eyes in the home: Child protective services investigations and state surveillance of family life
Each year, US child protection authorities investigate millions of families, disproportionately
poor families and families of color. These investigations involve multiple home visits to …
poor families and families of color. These investigations involve multiple home visits to …
[HTML][HTML] A realist review of how community-based drug checking services could be designed and implemented to promote engagement of people who use drugs
With rising numbers of drug-related deaths in the UK and globally, exploration of
interventions that seek to reduce drug-related harm is essential. Drug checking services …
interventions that seek to reduce drug-related harm is essential. Drug checking services …
Complaint-oriented policing: Regulating homelessness in public space
Over the past 30 years, cities across the United States have adopted quality-of-life
ordinances aimed at policing social marginality. Scholars have documented zero-tolerance …
ordinances aimed at policing social marginality. Scholars have documented zero-tolerance …
Pervasive penality: How the criminalization of poverty perpetuates homelessness
A growing literature examines the extent to which the criminal justice system perpetuates
poverty and inequality. This research examines how anti-homeless laws produce various …
poverty and inequality. This research examines how anti-homeless laws produce various …
Privilege and punishment: How race and class matter in criminal court
M Clair - 2020 - torrossa.com
Introduction drew, a working-class black man in his early thirties, is no stranger to the legal
system. 1 When we met in fall 2018, he told me that he had been arrested numerous times in …
system. 1 When we met in fall 2018, he told me that he had been arrested numerous times in …
Mano Suave–Mano Dura: Legitimacy Policing and Latino Stop-and-Frisk
Stop-and-frisk and other punitive policing practices disproportionately affect marginalized
communities of color. In response to calls for reform, police departments have implemented …
communities of color. In response to calls for reform, police departments have implemented …
[کتاب][B] Community policing: A contemporary perspective
VE Kappeler, LK Gaines, BP Schaefer - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective, 8th Edition, provides comprehensive
coverage of the philosophy and organizational strategy that expands the traditional police …
coverage of the philosophy and organizational strategy that expands the traditional police …
Policing gentrification or policing displacement? Testing the relationship between order maintenance policing and neighbourhood change in Los Angeles
Urban scholars increasingly contend that local police departments play a central role in
facilitating neighbourhood change. Recent critics warn that 'order maintenance'policing and …
facilitating neighbourhood change. Recent critics warn that 'order maintenance'policing and …
“The roughest form of social work:” How court officials justify bail decisions
Growing research has analyzed quantitative patterns of bail decisions and outcomes, but we
know far less about how court officials justify their bail decisions. To enhance understanding …
know far less about how court officials justify their bail decisions. To enhance understanding …