Mesoscopic physics of nanomechanical systems

A Bachtold, J Moser, MI Dykman - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022 - APS
Nanomechanics has brought mesoscopic physics into the world of vibrations. Because
nanomechanical systems are small, fluctuations are significant, the vibrations already …

Macroscopic fluctuation theory

L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio… - Reviews of Modern …, 2015 - APS
Stationary nonequilibrium states describe steady flows through macroscopic systems.
Although they represent the simplest generalization of equilibrium states, they exhibit a …

The large deviation approach to statistical mechanics

H Touchette - Physics Reports, 2009 - Elsevier
The theory of large deviations is concerned with the exponential decay of probabilities of
large fluctuations in random systems. These probabilities are important in many fields of …

Macroscopic fluctuation theory for stationary non-equilibrium states

L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio… - Journal of Statistical …, 2002 - Springer
We formulate a dynamical fluctuation theory for stationary non-equilibrium states (SNS)
which is tested explicitly in stochastic models of interacting particles. In our theory a crucial …

Physics of the human cardiovascular system

A Stefanovska - Contemporary Physics, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
Contemporary measurement techniques permit the non-invasive observation of several
cardiovascular functions, both from the central and peripheral points of view. We show that …

[KNJIGA][B] Mathematical theory of nonequilibrium steady states: on the frontier of probability and dynamical systems

DQ Jiang, D Jiang - 2004 -
The title of this book already says something about its contents and historical origin, but
since it is meant in a rigorous mathematical context, a few words of explanation may be …

Fluctuations in stationary nonequilibrium states of irreversible processes

L Bertini, A De Sole, D Gabrielli, G Jona-Lasinio… - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
We formulate a dynamical fluctuation theory for stationary nonequilibrium states (SNS)
which covers situations in a nonlinear hydrodynamic regime and is verified explicitly in …

Complex dynamics in multistable systems

U Feudel - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2008 - World Scientific
The coexistence of several stable states for a given set of parameters has been observed in
many natural and experimental systems as well as in theoretical models. This paper gives …

Forward flux sampling-type schemes for simulating rare events: Efficiency analysis

RJ Allen, D Frenkel, PR Ten Wolde - The Journal of chemical physics, 2006 -
We analyze the efficiency of several simulation methods which we have recently proposed
for calculating rate constants for rare events in stochastic dynamical systems in or out of …

Thermally activated transitions in a bistable three-dimensional optical trap

LI McCann, M Dykman, B Golding - Nature, 1999 -
Activated escape from a metastable state underlies many physical, chemical and biological
processes: examples include diffusion in solids, switching in superconducting junctions …