Perseverance's scanning habitable environments with Raman and luminescence for organics and chemicals (SHERLOC) investigation
R Bhartia, LW Beegle, L DeFlores, W Abbey… - Space Science …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for
Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) is a robotic arm-mounted instrument on NASA's …
Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) is a robotic arm-mounted instrument on NASA's …
The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) Multispectral, Stereoscopic Imaging Investigation
JF Bell, JN Maki, GL Mehall, MA Ravine… - Space science …, 2021 - Springer
Mastcam-Z is a multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation on the Mars 2020 mission's
Perseverance rover. Mastcam-Z consists of a pair of focusable, 4: 1 zoomable cameras that …
Perseverance rover. Mastcam-Z consists of a pair of focusable, 4: 1 zoomable cameras that …
Silica deposits on Mars with features resembling hot spring biosignatures at El Tatio in Chile
SW Ruff, JD Farmer - Nature communications, 2016 -
Abstract The Mars rover Spirit encountered outcrops and regolith composed of opaline silica
(amorphous SiO2· n H2O) in an ancient volcanic hydrothermal setting in Gusev crater. An …
(amorphous SiO2· n H2O) in an ancient volcanic hydrothermal setting in Gusev crater. An …
Geologic history of Mars
MH Carr, JW Head III - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010 - Elsevier
Mars accumulated and differentiated into crust, mantle and core within a few tens of millions
of years of Solar System formation. Formation of Hellas, which has been adopted as the …
of years of Solar System formation. Formation of Hellas, which has been adopted as the …
Identification of carbonate-rich outcrops on Mars by the Spirit rover
Decades of speculation about a warmer, wetter Mars climate in the planet's first billion years
postulate a denser CO2-rich atmosphere than at present. Such an atmosphere should have …
postulate a denser CO2-rich atmosphere than at present. Such an atmosphere should have …
Detection of silica-rich deposits on Mars
Mineral deposits on the martian surface can elucidate ancient environmental conditions on
the planet. Opaline silica deposits (as much as 91 weight percent SiO2) have been found in …
the planet. Opaline silica deposits (as much as 91 weight percent SiO2) have been found in …
A Mars 2020 Perseverance SuperCam Perspective on the Igneous Nature of the Máaz Formation at Jezero Crater and Link With Séítah, Mars
The Máaz formation consists of the first lithologies in Jezero crater analyzed by the Mars
2020 Perseverance rover. This formation, investigated from Sols (Martian days) 1 to 201 and …
2020 Perseverance rover. This formation, investigated from Sols (Martian days) 1 to 201 and …
Large wind ripples on Mars: A record of atmospheric evolution
Wind blowing over sand on Earth produces decimeter-wavelength ripples and hundred-
meter–to kilometer-wavelength dunes: bedforms of two distinct size modes. Observations …
meter–to kilometer-wavelength dunes: bedforms of two distinct size modes. Observations …
Petrology on mars
HY McSween Jr - American Mineralogist, 2015 -
Petrologic investigations of martian rocks have been accomplished by mineralogical,
geochemical, and textural analyses from Mars rovers (with geologic context provided by …
geochemical, and textural analyses from Mars rovers (with geologic context provided by …
The science process for selecting the landing site for the 2020 Mars rover
The process of identifying the landing site for NASA's Mars 2020 rover began in 2013 by
defining threshold mission science criteria related to seeking signs of ancient habitable …
defining threshold mission science criteria related to seeking signs of ancient habitable …