Conical solar stills: A review

AAM Omara, AAM Mohammedali, R Dhivagar - Solar Energy, 2025 - Elsevier
The conical solar still (CSS) is an advanced solar distillation design featuring a cone-shaped
glass cover for condensation. This innovative design offers several advantages over …

Drag, lift and torque coefficients for ellipsoidal particles: From low to moderate particle Reynolds numbers

R Ouchene, M Khalij, A Tanière, B Arcen - Computers & Fluids, 2015 - Elsevier
An accurate prediction of the translational and rotational motion of ellipsoidal particles can
be only given if a complete set of correlations of the drag, lift and pitching torque coefficients …

Connecting particle sphericity and circularity

JR Grace, A Ebneyamini - Particuology, 2021 - Elsevier
Sphericity, a measure of how much a particle's shape deviates from spherical, is useful as a
shape factor when characterizing particulate materials. However, particle surface areas …

Particle morphology evolution and its enhancement for lignite gasification in supercritical water

R Zhang, S Zhao, C Sun, H **, K Zhao… - Industrial & Engineering …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Supercritical water gasification is a promising technology for the clean and efficient
conversion of lignite particles. The particle morphology evolution has not yet been …

Shape and size effects on the packing density of binary spherocylinders

L Meng, P Lu, S Li, J Zhao, T Li - Powder Technology, 2012 - Elsevier
The shape and size of particles are the main factors which influence the packing density of
binary mixtures. However, investigations of the single effect of size and shape on the binary …

Insight into particle detachment in clogging of porous media; a pore scale study using lattice Boltzmann method

A Parvan, S Jafari, M Rahnama… - Advances in Water …, 2021 - Elsevier
Clogging of porous media is controlled by attachment of particles and their subsequent
detachment. In this study, we explore particle transport at the pore scale by considering …

Combustion optimization in consolidated porous media for thermo-photovoltaic system application Using Response Surface Methodology

EK Quaye, J Pan, Q Lu, Y Zhang, Y Wang - International Journal of Thermal …, 2023 - Elsevier
Motivated by the need to optimize the operation of an MTPV system, three consolidated
porous media (PM) geometries namely spherical, conical and cylindrical and a non-PM …

The influence of convex particles' irregular shape and varying size on porosity, permeability, and elastic bulk modulus of granular porous media: insights from …

A Kerimov, G Mavko, T Mukerji… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The shapes of particles play a crucial role in the transport and mechanical behavior of
granular media. How densely particles of a specific shape can be arranged in a given …

Direct numerical simulations of suspension of disk-shaped particles

A Hamid, M Shakaib, JJ Molina, MD Qasim… - Physics of …, 2024 -
This study investigates the dynamics of disk-shaped particles using direct numerical
simulations with the smoothed profile method for rigid particles. These disk-shaped particles …

Organizing principles for dense packings of nonspherical hard particles: Not all shapes are created equal

S Torquato, Y Jiao - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
We have recently devised organizing principles to obtain maximally dense packings of the
Platonic and Archimedean solids and certain smoothly shaped convex nonspherical …