Efficient Bayesian structural equation modeling in Stan

EC Merkle, E Fitzsimmons, J Uanhoro… - Journal of Statistical …, 2021 - jstatsoft.org
Structural equation models comprise a large class of popular statistical models, including
factor analysis models, certain mixed models, and extensions thereof. Model estimation is …

A primer on continuous-time modeling in educational research: An exemplary application of a continuous-time latent curve model with structured residuals (CT-LCM …

JF Lohmann, S Zitzmann, MC Voelkle… - Large-Scale Assessments …, 2022 - Springer
One major challenge of longitudinal data analysis is to find an appropriate statistical model
that corresponds to the theory of change and the research questions at hand. In the present …

A Bayesian EAP-Based Nonlinear Extension of Croon and Van Veldhoven's Model for Analyzing Data from Micro–Macro Multilevel Designs

S Zitzmann, JF Lohmann, G Krammer, C Helm, B Aydin… - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Croon and van Veldhoven discussed a model for analyzing micro–macro multilevel designs
in which a variable measured at the upper level is predicted by an explanatory variable that …

[HTML][HTML] Comparing the MCMC efficiency of JAGS and Stan for the multi-level intercept-only model in the covariance-and mean-based and classic parametrization

M Hecht, S Weirich, S Zitzmann - Psych, 2021 - mdpi.com
Bayesian MCMC is a widely used model estimation technique, and software from the BUGS
family, such as JAGS, have been popular for over two decades. Recently, Stan entered the …

A computationally more efficient Bayesian approach for estimating continuous-time models

M Hecht, S Zitzmann - Structural Equation Modeling: A …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Continuous-time modeling is gaining in popularity as more and more intensive longitudinal
data need to be analyzed. Current Bayesian software implementations of continuous-time …

Continuous-time modeling in prevention research: An illustration

M Hecht, MC Voelkle - International Journal of Behavioral …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The analysis of cross-lagged relationships is a popular approach in prevention research to
explore the dynamics between constructs over time. However, a limitation of commonly used …

[HTML][HTML] Using the Effective Sample Size as the Stop** Criterion in Markov Chain Monte Carlo with the Bayes Module in Mplus

S Zitzmann, S Weirich, M Hecht - Psych, 2021 - mdpi.com
Bayesian modeling using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation requires
researchers to decide not only whether estimation has converged but also whether the …

Alleviating estimation problems in small sample structural equation modeling—A comparison of constrained maximum likelihood, Bayesian estimation, and fixed …

E Ulitzsch, O Lüdtke, A Robitzsch - Psychological Methods, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
Small sample structural equation modeling (SEM) may exhibit serious estimation problems,
such as failure to converge, inadmissible solutions, and unstable parameter estimates. A …

A comparison of penalized maximum likelihood estimation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques for estimating confirmatory factor analysis models with small …

O Lüdtke, E Ulitzsch, A Robitzsch - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 - frontiersin.org
With small to modest sample sizes and complex models, maximum likelihood (ML)
estimation of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models can show serious estimation …

[HTML][HTML] A straightforward and valid correction to Nathoo et al.'s Bayesian within-subject credible interval

S Zitzmann, C Lindner, M Hecht - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2024 - Elsevier
The APA encourages authors to thoroughly report their results, including confidence
intervals. However, considerable debate exists regarding the computation of confidence …