The development of artificial intelligence in education: A review in context
STH Pham, PM Sampson - Journal of Computer Assisted …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background In fact, most schools around the world are not well equipped to have
discussions and keep current on the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in many aspects …
discussions and keep current on the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in many aspects …
Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States by age, race–ethnicity, and sex
We use data on police-involved deaths to estimate how the risk of being killed by police use
of force in the United States varies across social groups. We estimate the lifetime and age …
of force in the United States varies across social groups. We estimate the lifetime and age …
Artificial discretion as a tool of governance: a framework for understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on public administration
Public administration research has documented a shift in the locus of discretion away from
street-level bureaucrats to “systems-level bureaucracies” as a result of new information …
street-level bureaucrats to “systems-level bureaucracies” as a result of new information …
The problems with prosecutors
DA Sklansky - Annual Review of Criminology, 2018 - annualreviews.org
Most scholarship on prosecutors in the United States is diagnostic, prescriptive, or both; the
motivating questions are, What is the problem with prosecutors, and how do we fix it …
motivating questions are, What is the problem with prosecutors, and how do we fix it …
Machine learning for public administration research, with application to organizational reputation
Abstract Machine learning (ML) methods have gained a great deal of popularity in recent
years among public administration scholars and practitioners. These techniques open the …
years among public administration scholars and practitioners. These techniques open the …
How many complaints against police officers can be abated by incapacitating a few “bad apples?”
Research Summary The notion that the unjustified use of force by police officers is
concentrated among a few “bad apples” is a popular descriptor that has gained traction in …
concentrated among a few “bad apples” is a popular descriptor that has gained traction in …
A mixed-methods study of early intervention system policy, supervisory review practices, and effectiveness
Early Intervention (EI) systems are police accountability tools widely used to identify and
address at-risk officers. Studies have yet to incorporate supervisory review practices into EI …
address at-risk officers. Studies have yet to incorporate supervisory review practices into EI …
Early intervention systems for police: a state-of-the-art review
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of prior
empirical studies that have examined early intervention (EI) systems or programs in policing …
empirical studies that have examined early intervention (EI) systems or programs in policing …
An empirical comparison of bias reduction methods on real-world problems in high-stakes policy settings
Applications of machine learning (ML) to high-stakes policy settings-such as education,
criminal justice, healthcare, and social service delivery-have grown rapidly in recent years …
criminal justice, healthcare, and social service delivery-have grown rapidly in recent years …
The value of criminal history and police intelligence in vetting and selection of police
TIC Cubitt - Crime science, 2023 - Springer
Despite decades of research considering police misconduct, there is still little consensus on
officer characteristics associated with misconduct, and best practice for detection and …
officer characteristics associated with misconduct, and best practice for detection and …