[HTML][HTML] GaN-based readout circuit system for reliable prompt gamma imaging in proton therapy

VK Pandey, C Tan, V Sangwan - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
Prompt gamma imaging is one of the emerging techniques used in proton therapy for in-vivo
range verification. Prompt gamma signals are generated during therapy due to the nuclear …

MOSFET with a boron-loaded gate as a low-energy neutron dosimeter

M Gavelle, G Sarrabayrouse, E Scheid, S Siskos… - Radiation Physics and …, 2011 - Elsevier
MOSFET with a boron-loaded gate as a low-energy neutron dosimeter - ScienceDirect Skip
to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Help Search My account Sign …

Radiation effect in CMOS microprocessor exposed to intense mixed neutron and gamma radiation field

J **aoming, M Qiang, Q Chao… - 2013 14th European …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Radiation effect in CMOS microprocessor exposed to intense mixed neutron and gamma
radiation field Page 1 DW-8 1 Abstract—Radiation effects of microprocessor in mixed …

A radiation-tolerant, 1 GSPS switched capacitor array for a particle physics experiment

ARC Campeny - 2022 - search.proquest.com
As particle physics experiments have become more complex and ambitious during the
recent years, with examples such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or the Jiangmen …

The effects of nuclear radiation on Schottky power diodes and power MOSFETs

JA Kulisek - 2010 - rave.ohiolink.edu
NASA is exploring the potential use of nuclear reactors as power sources for future space
missions. These missions will require electrical components, consisting of power circuits and …

Моделирование поведения МОП-транзистора под действием облучения высокоэнергетическими нейтронами и гамма-квантами

МА Петухов, АИ Рязанов - Ядерная физика и инжиниринг, 2018 - elibrary.ru
Разработана количественная модель накопления радиационно-индуцированного
заряда в объеме и на поверхности слоя диэлектрика МОП-транзистора, учитывающая …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental Study of Fast Neutron Irradiation on n-Channel MOSFET

SH Ahn, GM Sun, H Baek - 2017 - kns.org
Field Effect Transistor (FET) is a majority carrier device, and is therefore often called a
unipolar transistor. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), on the other hand, operates by …