Multi-objective optimization of asymmetric bit rate partitioning for multipath protection in elastic optical networks
In survivable elastic optical networks, multi-path protection combined with traffic squeezing
has gained attention. Link-disjoint multipath routing (LD-MPR) and bandwidth squeezing …
has gained attention. Link-disjoint multipath routing (LD-MPR) and bandwidth squeezing …
Genetic algorithm for the topological design of survivable optical transport networks
We develop a genetic algorithm for the topological design of survivable optical transport
networks with minimum capital expenditure. Using the developed genetic algorithm we can …
networks with minimum capital expenditure. Using the developed genetic algorithm we can …
Memetic evolutionary algorithms to design optical networks with a local search that improves diversity
The last few years have seen an increasing demand for high-capacity Internet services, and
this need has intensified in the years 2020 and 2021. In 2020 and 2021, Internet usage grew …
this need has intensified in the years 2020 and 2021. In 2020 and 2021, Internet usage grew …
[PDF][PDF] List of references on evolutionary multiobjective optimization
CAC Coello - URL< http://www. lania. mx/~ ccoello/EMOO …, 2010 - delta.cs.cinvestav.mx
List of References on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Page 1 List of References on
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Carlos A. Coello Coello ccoello@cs.cinvestav.mx …
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Carlos A. Coello Coello ccoello@cs.cinvestav.mx …
An evolutionary approach with surrogate models and network science concepts to design optical networks
Physical topology design of optical networks is frequently accomplished by using
evolutionary approaches. However, fitness evaluation for this type of problems is time …
evolutionary approaches. However, fitness evaluation for this type of problems is time …
Exploring the relationship among traffic, topology, and throughput: towards a traffic-optimal optical network topology design
The design of optical networks for maximum throughput under diverse traffic demands is a
long-standing NP-hard problem. In this paper, by parameterizing the relationship between …
long-standing NP-hard problem. In this paper, by parameterizing the relationship between …
A performance comparison of multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms for all-optical networks design
In this paper we investigate the performance of well known multi-objective optimization
evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) applied to the design of all-optical networks. We focused on …
evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) applied to the design of all-optical networks. We focused on …
A multi-objective approach to design all-optical and translucent optical networks considering CapEx and QoT
In this paper we propose a methodology based on an evolutionary multi-objective
optimization algorithm, called NSGA-II to design the topology and define the devices for both …
optimization algorithm, called NSGA-II to design the topology and define the devices for both …
An efficient multi-objective evolutionary optimizer to design all-optical networks considering physical impairments and capex
In this paper we propose efficient operators for a well known multi-objective evolutionary
optimizer, called NSGA II, applied to design all-optical networks regarding the network …
optimizer, called NSGA II, applied to design all-optical networks regarding the network …
Physical topology design of optical networks aided by many-objective optimization algorithms
EMN Figueiredo, DRB Araújo… - 2016 5th Brazilian …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we investigate the performance of two many-objective evolutionary algorithms
to design optical networks. Many-objective algorithms are a particular class of multi …
to design optical networks. Many-objective algorithms are a particular class of multi …